Sculpture and Intermedia Open House promises unique artistic and visual experience

The open house will be at the Visual Arts Building and offer the opportunity to see art from University of Iowa students and faculty of all experience levels. Much of the art is currently on display, and will be throughout the event.


Rohan Abernathy-Wee

Stevie Haley Delgado sits by her sculpture in the Visual Arts Building on Feb. 27, 2023.

Emma Gaughan, Arts Reporter

Art from more than 35 University of Iowa students and faculty members of all experience levels will be on display at the Sculpture and Intermedia Art Open House in the Visual Arts Building on  March 3.

From Bachelor of Arts students to faculty, those involved with the UI’s Sculpture and Intermedia program were encouraged to submit art to the gallery, which was then selected by a board of graduate students and a faculty advisor.

Art selected includes sculptures made through different mediums, such as puppets, video production, and types of art using lights and sound. Each piece in the gallery is unique and tells its own story, with the use of technology to create new effects a common theme in some of the work.

Jamie Weinfurter, a graduate student whose work is being displayed at the show, focuses mostly on object-based sculpture but has recently been working toward using video and light. Her work examines the idea of home and homely qualities, and she noted that she likes having the ability to explore her artwork and the themes and styles she wants to portray.

“I’m still exploring it,” Weinfurter said. “I usually also make larger-scale, more interactive work.”

Stevie Haley Delgado is another graduate student with art at the event, though she started her artistic journey as an illustrator, never finding herself drawn to three-dimensional work. When she realized that she could print out her illustrations and turn them into sculptures, she was captivated with the idea.

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“This program is really good for not just working in three-dimensional sculpture but also exploring video, light projection, and going into the intermedia realms beyond that,” Delgado said.

Delgado and Weinfurter will have a shared gallery space where their different types of art interact with light, sculpture, and video.

Barry Phipps is another Master of Fine Arts student displaying his work at the open house. His work explores sculpture, technology, and sound. He described his work as “kinetic sound sculpture.” He manipulates objects with frequencies to create sounds through his sculptures. He came up with the idea while taking an electronics class here at the UI, a subject he had always been interested in.

“Since I did sculpture, it was just kind of a natural thing to incorporate,” Phipps said.

The Sculpture and Intermedia Open House aims to be an annual event but depends on the schedules of the graduate students in charge, as many of them are preparing for their own galleries in the coming months as a part of their graduate curriculum.

The open house will feature art in multiple galleries placed throughout the building, displaying sculptures, light projections, videos, and even live performances. While some of the galleries are currently open for viewing, all of the galleries will be open for the public this Friday from 5:30 to 8 p.m.