Johnson County ends face covering policy for staff and visitors
The county has had a mask mandate in place since Aug. 12, 2021.
March 3, 2022
Johnson County dropped its requirement, effective immediately, for visitors and staff to wear a face-covering in county buildings on Thursday.
The resolution comes after the Center for Disease Control and Prevention revised masking recommendations on Feb. 25, which placed Johnson County at a “medium” COVID-19 community level, according to CDC metrics.
Johnson County has had a daily average COVID-19 case count of 34 for the past week, according to the New York Times.
On Feb. 28, Iowa City Mayor Bruce Teague lifted Iowa City’s mask mandate. The Iowa City Community School District also removed its district-wide mask mandate on Tuesday.
Coralville and North Liberty have also ended their mask requirements in city buildings, according to press releases on the cities’ websites.
The county’s mask mandate was in place since Aug. 12, 2021, according to a county document.