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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Global AI Influencers: How Are They Changing the Industry?

In the past decade, artificial intelligence has transformed into a reckoning force threatening to take over human intelligence. Global leaders in the industry have been instrumental in the giant strides that the industry has made.

AI systems outsmart humans in the recognition and generation of images and text. Such is the growth in the industry that it is projected to touch USD 184 billion in 2024. In this blog post, you will find about the impact of global leaders in the AI sphere, their contribution to the industry, and the transformations achieved.

Overview of the current state and dynamics of the global network of AI leaders

The application of artificial intelligence has now extended to many spheres. It is now used by businesses and consumers alike.

  • A notable impact is in the natural language processing sector.  It can help machine translation, sentiment analysis, and spam filtering.
  • Computers can understand and interpret visual content as in facial recognition, object detection, and self-driving cars.
  • Robotics is a part of AI used successfully in various industries, including healthcare, space exploration, and manufacturing.
  • AI has also made great inroads in image recognition and generation. At present generative AI has gained center stage with technologies like ChatGPT being adopted worldwide.

Analysis of key players and influential figures in the AI world

With AI evolving at an unimaginable speed, knowing the significant artificial intelligence influencers and leaders in the industry is important to stay up-to-date on the technology. Sites like provide valuable insights and data that help you understand and update your knowledge of the breakthrough technologies in the sphere. Here are some of the top AI industry influencers who have great influence in the sector.

  • Fei-Fei Li is one of the top AI influencers in the field and her influence is mainly in the academic space. She has been instrumental in research concerning machine learning, computer vision, and deep learning, among other related subjects.
  • Andrew Ng, the founder of Coursera, has made significant contributions in the field of robotics and machine learning.
  • Geoffrey Hinton, one of the Godfathers of AI and Deep Learning, has done plenty of research in the field towards economic sustenance,
  • Yann LeCun, one of the influential AI personalities, works mainly in computer vision and machine learning. Convolutional networks and image compression are other fields he has pioneered.
  • Yoshua Bengio has made valuable contributions in deep learning and is credited for neural network development and varied learning algorithms.

Consideration of specific examples and success cases from leading AI experts

Many of the AI technologies, including computer vision, have proved their worth in various fields. The technology exudes immense potential and can be an invaluable asset to all aspects of global development. Here are some instances and successful cases of AI:

  1. Generative AI has overturned time-tested perceptions of how things are done. Sam Altman’s Open AI and ChatGPT have taken the technology to the next phase. The innovations have spurred huge investments in Open AI from tech giants like Tesla, Microsoft, and Google.
  2. Deep Mind, developed by Mustafa Suleyman, is an AI research facility that has been instrumental in speech and image recognition applications. Many of the Google products and other sectors have used the applications successfully.
  3. Kai-Fu Lee is one of the AI industry influencers known for his work in natural language processing. His work has led to the development of chatbots, virtual assistants, and other related AI-driven tools.

Examination of the impact of AI thought leaders on the industry, business models, and social practices

Remarkable strides have been achieved with the use of AI in various fields. As per studies, 83% of organizations use the tech deriving 30% to 53% benefits. Some of the business models that have revolutionized the industry are:

  • AI chatbots have helped businesses to improve customer-centric service. From better engagement to personalized user experience, they have provided many benefits.  The model is expected to have 23.3% growth annually and is expected to achieve $15.5 billion by 2028.
  • Waymo, a part of Alphabet, uses self-driving AI technology that helps in easy and accident-free driving.
  • Alexa, the digital voice assistant of Amazon is another successful business model. From speakers and computers to smart home devices, AI tech had over 71.6 million users in 2022.
  • Alibaba, the popular e-Commerce platform uses AI for various business operations ranging from generating product descriptions automatically to reducing traffic jams and improving crop yields.
  • In the medical field, AI has been used widely to ensure accuracy and enable better treatment features. Virtual assistants ensure easier healthcare access while other AI technologies help to reduce costs and time taken for identifying diseases and treatments.

More such innovative models, influencers, and their positive impact can be found on

Forecasts and prospects for the development of the global community of AI influencers

At present, only a small percentage of tech firms are focused on AI. This can change soon as awareness about the technology’s impact and reach spreads. Some of the prospects and forecasts in the sector include

  1. As per Goldman Sachs research, sectors and regions that adopt AI can see incredible productivity gains. This is especially true for developed markets like Switzerland, Japan, Kuwait, Israel, and Hong Kong and emerging markets like India and Vietnam.
  2. Open-source models are expected to increase, leading to better research and more accessibility of the technology to people.
  3. A non-transformer architecture is expected to emerge resulting in minimal use of energy and time and maximum resource exploitation. This will help foster better innovations without the downsides present in the transformer models in use now.

While the technology is beneficial in various ways, it also has some downsides, like its application in cyberattacks, manipulation of markets, or for building weapons. Biased use of the technology can result in discriminatory results. The contribution of leading AI influencers thus is crucial in ensuring the technology is used for the greater good.


The field of AI has seen a big boom in recent years, although it has been in existence for many decades. With revolutionary models like generative AI, chatbots, and others, the field has undergone dynamic changes. Global AI influencers have pioneered many of the innovations that are successfully used now. But these are just a sample of the immense potential that the technology has.

With more and more countries and organizations evincing interest in the sector, we can expect more groundbreaking inventions in the future. The United States, China, and the UK are leading in value creation in the sector, but countries like India, South Korea, and Japan are not far behind. A balanced approach that takes into account the benefits and risks will ensure a successful future application.

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