University of Iowa offers second Pfizer dose, vaccinates more than 2,000 students

Over April 21 and 22, nearly 2,000 students have received the Pfizer vaccine through Student Health. Students seeking a second dose of Pfizer can receive it through Student Health regardless of where they received their first dose.


Grace Smith

Student Kyleigh Harm receives the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the Iowa Memorial Union at the University of Iowa on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.

Rachel Schilke, News Editor

Students will now be able to receive the second dose of the COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine from Student Health regardless of where they received their first dose because of an increased supply of vaccine from Johnson County.

The second dose of the Pfizer vaccine must be given three weeks after the first dose. 

Students who received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine seeking to get their second dose should call Student Health, according to the UI COVID-19 update sent to campus on Friday.

“Thanks to increased supply from Johnson County, Student Health is now able to begin providing a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to students regardless of where they received their first dose. Doses must still be three weeks apart, but this gives students more flexibility and may be more convenient,” the email stated.

On April 21 and 22, UI Student Health held a vaccination clinic to provide free Pfizer vaccines to students. Over those two days, nearly 2,000 students received the Pfizer vaccine. The UI will hold a second clinic during the week of May 10, which is finals week. 

In the update, the UI reminded students that immunity is not achieved immediately after receiving the vaccine and it will take time for everyone who wishes to be vaccinated to receive the required doses.

The UI also reported new COVID-19 cases on campus. As of April 21, seven students self-reported testing positive for the virus. No employees reported positive cases. This brings the semester-to-date total to 3,164 for students and 486 for employees.