Opinion: Paula White is more than fanatical, she’s dangerous
The advisor’s particular brand of spirituality should have no place in the White House.
U.S. President Donald Trump listens to pastor Paula White during the Announcement of the Guidance on Constitutional Prayer in Public Schools in the the Oval Office at the White House on Jan. 16, 2020 in Washington, D.C.
January 29, 2020
“Any hex, any spell, any witchcraft, any spirit of control, any Jezebel, anything the enemy desires through spells, any demonic manipulation, we curse that.”
Televangelist Paula White, a White House special adviser, said this before her flock at a Florida church. This was popularized to 8.4 million views on Twitter and published by a political account responsible for exposing radical positions.
It is not merely the throngs online causing worry — it’s the audience of one occupying the White House.
Before her departure, White screamed another injunction: “We command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now.”
Look suspiciously at this “we,” as the late Christopher Hitchens demands, “How dare you assume my permission.” The minority, if God is just, who subscribe to White’s commandment are dangerously ill-informed or devout. One would expect to find solidarity among the pro-life and pro-choice crowds on condemning those who command miscarriages. Furthermore, a “satanic womb” is eerily left open for interpretation.
White’s position, neglectful of the necessary separation between church and state, carries a curious contradiction. I was told White has an affinity for building walls.
I am not disparaging Christianity or religion. I am simply elucidating the position this demagogue holds, that is, an advisory position to a proprietor of more than 4,000 nuclear weapons. The goofy becomes wicked.
White is not the only nonsensical preacher on TV, however, her personal connections to President Trump make her brand especially toxic. Is this spiritual counsel our country’s leader heeds? Certainly not.
Complaining about the media’s apparent misrepresentation, White claimed the statement to have been taken out of context. Upon navigating through her website to find the relevant video, of which the user is met with a constant “Donate Here,” on the bottom of every page, her complaint is surprisingly well founded. Within context, her statement transfers from egregious to incoherent.
She exclaims, “Any strange winds sent against the president, we will break it by the superior blood of Jesus.” Again, the presidential implications are exceedingly worrisome.
Beyond the witch hunts — another favorite of Trump’s — White condemns pregnant women whom she has never met. Hoping for a stranger’s miscarriage should be bipartisan condemnation.
Not left unthought, precisely what “context” would be suitable to endorse such a position? Rational minds should conclude that none would.
Of course, there’s a reason for all this. White is a religious businesswoman, selected on the basis of her popularity to advise a man in desperate need of counsel. Her appointment is so ridiculous as to cast suspicion on presidential advisory positions as a whole. I can sense the frustration, on the basis of being poorly represented, coming from those who study ethics.
There aren’t any “satanic wombs” or “spells” concerning women’s pregnancies, but something, or rather someone, is definitely wicked within White House’s spiritual counsel.
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