The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Why Professional Asbestos Removal is Essential for Your Home

Asbestos, once hailed as a miracle material for its fire-resistant properties, has become a significant health hazard in modern times. Understanding why professional asbestos removal is essential for your home is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy living environment.

In this blog post, we will delve into the dangers of asbestos, the importance of professional asbestos removal NZ, and how these services ensure your home is asbestos-free.

The Hidden Danger of Asbestos

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals that were widely used in construction materials, insulation, and other products due to their durability and resistance to heat. Common in homes built before the 1980s, asbestos can be found in roofing shingles, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, insulation, paints, and adhesives.

Health Risks Associated with Asbestos

When asbestos-containing materials are disturbed, they release tiny fibres into the air. These fibres can be inhaled or ingested, leading to serious health issues. The primary diseases caused by asbestos exposure include:

  • Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease that causes scarring of lung tissue, leading to difficulty breathing and a persistent cough.
  • Lung Cancer: Asbestos exposure significantly increases the risk of lung cancer, particularly in individuals who smoke.
  • Mesothelioma: A rare but aggressive cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, chest, abdomen, and heart.
  • Other Cancers: Asbestos exposure has also been linked to cancers of the larynx, ovaries, and gastrointestinal tract.

These health risks make it clear why asbestos should not be taken lightly. Even minimal exposure can have long-term consequences, making the safe removal of asbestos a top priority for any homeowner.

The Role of Professional Asbestos Removal

Why DIY Asbestos Removal is Not Safe

Given the health risks associated with asbestos, many homeowners might consider handling the removal themselves to save money. However, DIY asbestos removal is fraught with dangers:

  • Lack of Proper Equipment: Professional asbestos removal companies use specialised equipment to contain and remove asbestos fibres safely. Most homeowners do not have access to these tools.
  • Inadequate Knowledge: Professionals are trained to identify asbestos-containing materials and understand the best methods for their safe removal. Inexperienced individuals might inadvertently release more fibres into the air.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Strict regulations govern asbestos removal. Professional removal services are well-versed in these regulations and ensure compliance, whereas DIY efforts may need to be revised.

The Benefits of Hiring Professionals

Hiring professional asbestos removal services offers several benefits that ensure the safety and well-being of your household:

  • Expertise and Training: Certified asbestos removal professionals undergo rigorous training to handle asbestos safely. Their expertise minimises the risk of exposure during the removal process.
  • Comprehensive Inspection: Professionals conduct thorough inspections to identify all asbestos-containing materials in your home. This ensures that no hidden asbestos is left behind.
  • Safe Removal and Disposal: Professional services follow strict safety protocols to remove and dispose of asbestos materials according to local regulations. This prevents further contamination and protects the environment.
  • Air Quality Testing: After removal, professionals perform air quality tests to ensure your home is asbestos fibres-free. This final step provides peace of mind that your living space is safe.

The Process of Professional Asbestos Removal

Initial Assessment and Inspection

The first step in the asbestos removal process is a detailed home assessment. Professional inspectors will:

  • Identify Asbestos-Containing Materials: They will examine your home for materials containing asbestos, using specialised tools and techniques.
  • Assess the Condition: Inspectors will evaluate the condition of these materials to determine their risk level.
  • Develop a Removal Plan: They will create a comprehensive removal plan tailored to your home’s needs based on their findings.

Preparation and Containment

Before removal begins, professionals will take measures to contain the affected area:

  • Sealing Off the Area: To prevent asbestos fibres from spreading, the work area is sealed off with plastic sheeting and negative air pressure units.
  • Protective Gear: Workers wear protective clothing, respirators, and other safety gear to protect themselves from exposure.

Safe Removal and Disposal

The actual removal process involves:

  • Careful Extraction: Asbestos-containing materials are carefully removed to minimise the release of fibres. Wetting agents are often used to keep fibres from becoming airborne.
  • Proper Disposal: Removed materials are sealed in leak-tight containers and labelled as hazardous waste. They are then transported to designated disposal facilities that can safely handle asbestos.

Final Inspection and Air Quality Testing

After removal, professionals conduct a final inspection to ensure all asbestos has been eliminated. Air quality tests confirm that no asbestos fibers remain in the home. Only after these tests show safe levels is the area deemed safe for reoccupation.


The importance of professional asbestos removal cannot be overstated. The health risks associated with asbestos exposure are severe and long-lasting, making it imperative to handle its removal with the utmost care and expertise.

By hiring certified professionals, you ensure your home is thoroughly inspected, safely cleaned, and free from harmful asbestos fibres. Investing in your health and safety provides peace of mind, knowing that your living environment is secure for you and your loved ones.

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