The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Top 5 Reasons for Outsourcing Software Development


The IT industry has been actively continuing to grow for years, with new startups appearing every day. Apart from the major changes it brings to the global economy and traditional industries, such fast growth also has a significant effect on the software field itself, especially on the labor market.

Tech companies in leading countries around the world, such as the US, are feeling the significant constraints of the labor market, with the process of finding and hiring new staff becoming more and more expensive. This creates favorable conditions for software development outsourcing, forcing many technology providers to look for additional opportunities both in their own country and abroad.

What Kind of Companies Need Outsourcing

While outsourcing can benefit businesses in all industries, some companies benefit the most from strategic partnerships. Companies that need outsourcing include:

Startups. Their founders often have limited resources and expertise. Cooperation with professional outsourcing services like Startups & SMBs allows them to access specialized services without the need for significant upfront investment, helping them launch and scale their business more efficiently.
Small and medium-sized enterprises. They can use this option to access professional services and expertise that may be beyond their own capabilities. Outsourcing services allow small businesses to compete with larger players by leveraging external resources and creating a level playing field.
International corporations. By working with external partners, corporations can improve their operational efficiency, innovate, and gain a fresh perspective on their business strategies.

Why Should You Contract Out Your Software Development?

A Greater Ease of Access to a Larger Talent Pool

One of the main reasons companies use outsourcing custom software development is to have access to talent from all over the world. It is also difficult to find experienced employees in all technologies and talents.

Talented software engineers are more in demand than ever before, as companies realize that they must constantly use technology to stay current and competitive. It’s hard to hire software developers and even harder to keep them on your team.

Risk Management That Works

By distributing components and procedures among multiple vendors, you can minimize risk. Do your research, talk to the vendor’s current customers, evaluate their previous experience, and then make your choice. Remember that “transparency in outsourcing” is the key to successful software outsourcing collaboration.

Peak Load Control

Every company has periods when demand reaches record highs. This means reallocating existing resources to activities for which expertise and tight deadlines are lacking. Alternatively, it can mean hiring new employees. Both lead to increased costs and reduced efficiency. You can work with outsourcing software development services to hire a scalable team just for peak season, without any long-term commitment. They help balance the workload, save time and money, and increase efficiency.

Enhanced Security

If your in-house team is not dedicated to IT, there is a good chance that the security of your program is at risk. Important corporate information will be compromised due to security flaws.

Outsourcing software engineering will allow you to better protect yourself from IT security breaches. The software team will make sure that the code and application development processes are as secure as possible.

Reducing Time to Market

Companies around the world have realized the value of speed and how it can be used to create a competitive advantage. You don’t have to rely on your resources when outsourcing software development to launch a product. You can fully customize the schedules as per your requirements and have access to professional engineers.

Outsourcing is a powerful commercial tool that, when properly applied in certain situations, can open up great opportunities and bring extremely good results for the client company.

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