The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

City officials re-examine bus route following downtown bus stop fights


Andrea Gathings settles into her usual place at the back of the bus. The 16-year-old is riding the Lakeside route heading toward the Southeast Side. Soon she's surrounded by friends and classmates. The...

UI officials look for other options following denied FEMA appeal


The Federal Emergency Management Agency denied the University of Iowa's second appeal for funding to replace the Art Museum on Wednesday. Yet despite the setback, state and university officials said they...

Alcohol crime shifts following 21-ordinance

In the two years since Iowa City implemented its 21-ordinance, many have expressed interest in analyzing how the ordinance has altered rates of alcohol-related crime and arrests. Raw statistics from the...

UI and city officials met to discuss plans for reducing alcohol consumption on campus for fall 2012

JENNY EARL May 10, 2012

For the first time in a decade, the University of Iowa saw a 6 percent decrease in the student high-risk drinking rate in 2011. But high-risk drinking rates still remained almost twice as high as the...

Locals applaud President Obama’s declaration to support gay marriage


Many Iowans and gay-rights activists say the president's formal endorsement of same-sex marriage opens the door for stronger national support for same-sex couples. President Obama told ABC News in an...

Some still unclear on Freeman-Murdah’s legal responsibility in failure to report

BETH BRATSOS May 10, 2012

During the second day of a trial involving the alleged failure of a mandatory reporter to fulfill her duties in a sexual-abuse case, several testimonies attested as to whether or not Susan Freeman-Murdah...

Local man charged with forgery

DI STAFF May 10, 2012

A local man has been arrested for allegedly forging three checks. Keethan Roland, 20, 3536 Shamrock Place, was charged with three charges of forgery and third-degree theft. According to an Iowa City...

Man charged after allegedly possessing almost 70 grams of marijuana

DI STAFF May 10, 2012

An Iowa City man was charged with allegedly possessing 68 grams of marijuana. Kory Meister, 22, 504 S. Johnson St. #3, was charged Tuesday with possession of a controlled substance to keep or permit use...

Mason responds to media coverage of husband’s salary


UI President Sally Mason said she is disappointed in the media's portrayal of the paid fundraising position husband Ken Mason, also a UI biology lecturer, holds at the university. "Fundraising in...

Mason talks new liberal arts dean and tuition set-asides

DI STAFF May 9, 2012

The Daily Iowan: What are your thoughts on the new College of Liberal Arts and Sciences dean? When will the announcement be made? What qualities did you look for in the hiring, and is there anything further...

Broadway Center director’s trial underway

BETH BRATSOS May 9, 2012

The mother of an alleged victim in a child sexual-abuse case testified in the Johnson County Courthouse on Tuesday that she began noticing behavioral changes in her daughter around the time of the incident. The...

Future UI student faces controversy over LGBT scholarship


Keaton Fuller is one of this year's recipients of the Matthew Shepard Scholarship in Iowa — and as such, he will receive $40,000 toward his University of Iowa experience. Yet the Catholic Diocese of...

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