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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Theater students showcase 10-minute play series

JULIA JESSEN February 16, 2012

"You're off-stage, dude," a director said to a out-of-place actor. The busy hum of chatter filled the Theatre Building's Theatre B as actors scrambled to find their places and their props amid...

UI Dance Faculty/Grad Students collaborate

SAMANTHA GENTRY February 16, 2012

In the quiet confines of Space/Place, 10 dancers take the stage, waiting for the music to begin. The performers are dressed in costumes made of ruffles, plaid, and lace, and they begin to dance a synchronized,...

Gaelic Storm brings Celtic rock to Englert

JORDAN MONTGOMERY February 16, 2012

In 1997, Gaelic Storm, then a small pub band, was hurled into the international spotlight. And at the time, band members feared going on a national tour would ruin their intimate relationship with their...

Musical troupe sings about politics

JULIA JESSEN February 16, 2012

Seeing actors portraying President Obama, the speaker of the House, a Transportation Security Agency agent, and Muammar Qaddafi on stage together singing and dancing seems like the far-fetched fantasy...

Jam-band plays Blue Moose

JORDAN MONTGOMERY February 16, 2012

The musicians in Cornmeal, a Chicago-based jam band, take risks. The nature of their playing style makes every show an entirely different performance. And their fans come out in droves for them. "[Improvising]...

Beer of the Week — Redbridge

DI STAFF February 16, 2012

Flour power ended with the 1970s. Today, millions of people across the world are switching to gluten-free diets. You may think removing gluten from your diet means removing beer, but beer not, beer fans...

Iowa Opera House Project visits Englert

SAMANTHA GENTRY February 9, 2012

Around 1,500 opera houses dotted small towns around Iowa in the late-19th century. Now, some 300 remain and native Iowan Sam Knutson wants to keep that tradition alive with the help of local musicians....

Percussionists play at the Riverside Recital Hall

JULIA JESSEN February 9, 2012

As the thunder rolls in, the storm begins and creates symphonies of deep reverberation. This music is not exactly the natural occurrence one might expect — it is the sound of performers in Iowa Percussion...

UI theater production creates a buzz

JORDAN MONTGOMERY February 9, 2012

In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play) tells the story of how the buzzing bedroom apparatus was first employed in 19th-century medical-exam rooms. The play, nominated for three Tony Awards in 2010,...

UI Indian Student Alliance hosts A’Capella competition

HANNAH KRAMER February 9, 2012

The phrase "gathe raho" means "keep on singing" in English, and that's exactly what these a cappella performers plan to do. Seven college teams from around the country will compete...

Speakers and musicians commemorate Darwin Day

JORDAN MONTGOMERY February 9, 2012

Six years ago, the first Darwin Day celebration was planned at the University of Iowa, but a blizzard forced all of the events to be canceled. Since then, the yearly tradition has grown larger, and this...

Beer of the week: Sierra Nevada Bigfoot

DI STAFF February 9, 2012

This week's beer of the week is the Sierra Nevada Bigfoot. The brew is a barley-wine ale. But despite its name, barley wines are very much beers and often strong and intense beers at that. The Bigfoot...