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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Verhille: Does Bioshock Infinite live up to the hype?

DAN VERHILLE March 28, 2013

Game critics across the world have almost unilaterally agreed that Bioshock Infinite is one of the best games of the year, showering it with adulations and near-perfect numerical rankings. This reviewer...

Stewart: Monster Hunter is the Real Deal

SAM STEWART March 28, 2013

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate's title tells you everything you need to know about it. It's the Ultimate Monster Hunting game. With intricate mechanics and huge beasts to slay, it certainly lives up to that...

Top Chef of Iowa City is crowned

AUDREY DWYER March 28, 2013

Tuesday night's Top Chef: Iowa City competition sorted the wheat from the chaff with local cuisine. Chefs from 14 restaurants and four breweries joined together in lively competition at hotelVetro, each...

UI Emeritus Professor Hans Breder continues to study intermedia work with his exhibit "Collision Fields"

ADAM BURKE March 28, 2013

IOWA CITY/DORTMUND — Calling him a "pioneer" of intermedia, "ahead of his time," and an artist who "wrote art history," German newspapers celebrated the founder of the first...

Beer of the week: Xingu Black Beer

DAN VERHILLE March 28, 2013

Name: Xingu Black Beer Product of: Cervejaria Sul Brasileira, Santa Maria, Brazil Serving Size: 12 fluid ounces Serving Style: Glass pint (Preferably a flute glass, but don't drink this one out of the...

Four graduating UI Theater students will perform their honor thesis this weekend

JUSTUS FLAIR March 28, 2013

The University of Iowa Theater Department encourages students to graduate with Honors by completing nine hours of Honors-designated courses, including three hours of an Honors thesis. This year, four...

Pete Lee to entice audience with humor

AUDREY DWYER March 28, 2013

One man's self-deprecating humor has attracted audiences through his likable style and unique blend of comedy.  Originally from Wisconsin, comedian Pete Lee traveled to New York for a television début...

Nolte Academy presents Cinderella

AUDREY DWYER March 28, 2013

The Nolte Academy will present a its ballet version of a fairy-tale classic Friday at the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 Fifth St. Its rendition of Cinderella will begin at 7:30 p.m....

Verhille: Starcraft II: The Heart of Swarm

DAN VERHILLE March 14, 2013

Visually spectacular, elegantly refined, and brutally violent are just a few phrases that describe StarCraft II, The Heart of the Swarm. After following the series' original protagonist Jim Raynor throughout...

Stewart: The Perfect Throwback

SAM STEWART March 14, 2013

The Etrian Odyssey series, Atlus' throwback to classic role-playing games, does a great job of mixing the old with the new. Recent games such as Xenoblade Chronicles have succeeded by shedding as many...

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Micky’s Irish Pub


May the Luck of the Irish be with ye. No, I’m not Irish, but Irish enough to celebrate my second-favorite green-related holiday. And Micky’s Irish Pub & Grill, 11 S. Dubuque St., is definitely...

Beer of the Week: Babayaga Sylvan Stout

DAN VERHILLE March 14, 2013

Name: Babayaga Sylvan Stout Product of: Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project, Cambridge, Mass. Serving Style: 1 pint 6 fluid ounce bottle, 7 percent ABV I'm not sure why, but Babayaga just seems like...