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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Skip your tickets, the state skips you


Pay your fines or lose your tax refund, because the state of Iowa is cracking down on overdue court fines and fees. Thanks to a computer-software upgrade, some Iowans won’t see their tax refunds. Instead,...

Piss on you, officials

NATE WHITNEY March 26, 2009

Remember back when you were a kid and you were upset about bedtime being too early or not being able to go on the big kids’ roller coaster at Six Flags? Maybe you were one of those kids who was pissed...

Pakistan’s quite clear message to the West

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Politics is never dull in Pakistan. Recently, it has been inspirational, too. Last week, I watched people flock to the home of Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry. A tense standoff between...

Stay informed with DI Twitter accounts


Are you a news junkie? Do you love finding out the latest breaking information as soon as it goes public? Or are you just interested in following a particularly obscure topic that doesn’t get mentioned...

Madness? This is Halo

NICHOLAS KELLY March 25, 2009

Spartans, what is your profession? The day may have come when this question — posed by bethonged King Leonidas in the film 300 — has reached its ironic apex. At least if you’re familiar with a...

Obama’s time to act on Darfur is now

BETH UREEL March 25, 2009

There is a crisis occurring in Sudan, and many Americans are unaware of it. More than 300,000 Darfurians have died; up to 2.5 million have been displaced. The situation in the Darfur region of Sudan is...

Spring into action


All across Iowa City, spring is here. Temperatures are rising, the days are getting longer, and the flowers are blooming. Now is the perfect time for the community to get out and enjoy the sunny skies...

1-on-1 with Mr. B

BEAU ELLIOT March 24, 2009

Some week, huh? Well, yeah, I know — many of you spent the last week in blissed-out wonderment (Performance-enhanced? Hmmm.) in some exotic location, Texas, maybe, or Florida. Perhaps Mexico. No offense...

Correalina, the way to spell ‘protectionism’

LAWRENCE DE GEEST March 24, 2009

There are those in Ecuador who say that life is too short to be the bull in a bullfight. But in South America, the lessons of the bullfight are fading as the popularity of the sport wanes and the popularity...

Wacky Grassley, not tobaccy


Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa has indicated that he opposes President Obama’s recent changes to how the federal Drug Enforcement Agency approaches medical marijuana. Grassley’s tired, predictable...

Embracing the WTF?

DEAN TREFTZ March 23, 2009

[Editor’s note: Dean is going to temporarily ignore his fear of coming off as a massively arrogant prick for this week’s column. Enjoy.] So I’m smart. I mean that in the most informal way possible:...

TV on the Internet

NATE WHITNEY March 23, 2009

We’re freaks for media. We watch TV while we eat breakfast, listen to the radio on our drive to work or our iPod while we walk to class. We’re connected through Facebook, My Space, and Twitter. Some...