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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Edifice of the King

BEAU ELLIOT July 14, 2009

I’ve never paid much attention to Michael Jackson, mostly because my musical tastes don’t run (or walk or crawl or swim or any other verb you might want to toss up against the wall to see if it will...

Uninsured aren’t taking advantage of programs

Sometimes it pays to first look carefully at what doesn’t work when you are trying to fix something. This could hold true with health-care reform and the proposal before Congress to add a “public option”...

Iowa Republican governor hopefuls should aim not to embarrass party

ADAM SULLIVAN July 13, 2009

Iowa is home to maybe the first gubernatorial bid announced via Twitter. Unfortunately, that’s about the most interesting thing that has come from the pool of Republicans vying for Gov. Chet Culver’s...

Taking life by the horn

DEAN TREFTZ July 13, 2009

It was a perfect opportunity, and I blew it. She totally cut me off. I had to slam on my brakes and swerve because she and her Subaru must’ve been running too late to soccer practice to wait till after...

Governing a complex China no easy task


Most Americans have never heard of Gen. Zuo Zongtang, but when they hit the local Chinese takeout and order a greasy carton of General Tso’s chicken, they’re invoking his name. By 1878, Zuo, or Tso,...

Students should vie for open spots in this year’s council election


The Iowa City City Council makes decisions that affect the lives of Iowa City’s permanent and non-permanent residents every day: The Sheraton Hotel Walkway will be closed to the public at night once...

New film is fun, but not legitimate social commentary

MICHAEL DAVIS July 10, 2009

There is no doubt that millions of people will see Sacha Baron Cohen’s new satirical socio-comedy Brüno in the upcoming weeks. Many will laugh hysterically at the guerrilla tactics of Cohen’s brand...

U.S. debt poses real problems for our fiscal future

The United States confronts not one but two economic challenges: its worst recession since the Depression and a growing imbalance between federal spending and revenues that makes its underlying fiscal...

Creation of sexual-misconduct post combats an all-too prevalent problem


Students now have a person in their corner fighting sexual assaults and violence on this campus. Monique DiCarlo, the former director of the Women’s Resource and Action Center, is the UI’s first sexual-misconduct-response...

Thinking nuclearly

SIMEON TALLEY July 9, 2009

Nuclear weapons came to be in a world that was vastly different from our world today. This was a world in which most were intimately familiar with all-out war, a world that saw the decline of an old empire...

On health reform, Obama must use supporters

If you measure the Obama administration’s campaign for health-care reform by its ability to win crucial support from major institutions, things are going swimmingly. Wal-Mart, which insures fewer than...

Ongoing overreaction to flu virus could hurt Iowans in the long-run


The worldwide total of confirmed cases of the latest strain of H1N1 influenza stands at more than 71,000, according to the World Health Organization. A pandemic now, the rapid spread of the disease has...