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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Tough but fair: Obama’s response to automakers

President Obama this week delivered a believable, sharp and necessary ultimatum to U.S. automakers. “We cannot make the survival of our auto industry dependent on an unending flow of taxpayer dollars,”... a sad site

NICHOLAS KELLY April 1, 2009

I admit I am aware of Internet Rule No. 34: “If it exists, there is porn of it.” I am also aware that it this rule is absolutely true (and if you don’t believe, go ahead and Google Image Search...

Let the first lady be, biceps, triceps, and all

I’m having a hard time forming an opinion about first lady Michelle Obama, mostly because there are already so many out there, and they’re almost uniformly inane. There’s the constant clucking about...

Four-letter therapy for hard times


As the economy continues to go deeper and deeper into the shitter, many Americans are finding themselves looser with their lips. A recent poll on MSNBC revealed that almost 40 percent of the respondents...

Bail faster

BEAU ELLIOT March 31, 2009

How do you say “Chrysler” in Italian? I don’t know, either, but it appears as though we’re going to get the chance to find out pretty soon. Now, I don’t really know that for sure, because I...

Obama, Notre Dame, and commencement season


These days, protests over college commencement speakers herald spring’s arrival as surely as longer days and greening leaves. The most interesting of this season’s controversies involves President...

A week on the road: gator road-kill and shuttle launches

EMILEIGH BARNES March 30, 2009

In Mississippi, we call this time of year spring, for which offers these related words: bud time, flowering, prime, and springtide. Excellent. Better yet, in Florida, where I spent my spring...

Relax, administrators: It’s just a food fight

KATIE GADIENT March 30, 2009

There is something strange in the sloppy joes being served at Dubuque Senior High School. A senior prank involving the saucy loose-meat sandwiches and a food fight in the school’s cafeteria resulted...

On condoms, the pope may be right

When Pope Benedict XVI commented this month that condom distribution isn’t helping, and may be worsening, the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa, he set off a firestorm of protest. Most non-Catholic commentary...

Papa Obama knows best


It’s a good thing we have President Obama leading this country. Without his enlightened guidance, ordinary little people such as ourselves would likely wander blindly, unsure of what path our lives should...

Healthy choices, healthy lives

KATIE GADIENT March 27, 2009

Eating well and making healthy choices, forget about it. It’s too complicated and too contradictory. The seemingly easier solution is to consume a little bit of everything occasionally. If only it were...

Labor’s ‘card check’ tricks trap the workers

At the end of the 19th century, unsuspecting workers were “shanghaied” to work on British ships heading for eastern Asia, which desperately needed the labor. All manner of tricks were used to hoodwink...