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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Our time to shine

SIMEON TALLEY October 1, 2009

We’ve already written about the pros and cons of health-care reform in this paper. And I argued in a previous column that young people stand to gain significantly — if not the most — from health-care...

Guest Opinion: Economists for an imaginary world

HAROLD MEYERSON October 1, 2009

“The worldly philosophers” was economist Robert Heilbroner’s term for such great economic thinkers as Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, and Joseph Schumpeter. Today’s free-market economists,...

My acute awareness

MICHAEL DAVIS September 30, 2009

My friends were littering the new house with empty beer cans. They were creating a decorative pyramid of the past night’s frivolity and debauchery. As a newly unleashed sophomore in the world of renter...

Guest Opinion: Obama channeling Cheney on detainee policy


President Obama’s decision not to go to Congress for help in establishing reasonable standards for the continued detention of Guantánamo detainees is a failure of leadership in the project of putting...

The ongoing controversy of John Deng

DI EDITORIAL STAFF September 30, 2009

In the weeks following the July 24 death of John Deng, many have raised issues regarding the legitimacy of the shooting and whether it was warranted. The Iowa Attorney General’s Office released its final...

Should the UI build a new dorm?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF September 29, 2009

One state regent thinks so. Two Opinions writers give their thoughts on the proposal. No: UI should wait until it is back in the black Building a new residence hall would have been a great idea in 2005...

Cosmic jokes

BEAU ELLIOT September 29, 2009

The Detroit Lions — yes, the toothless Lions — finally won a football game, a feat once considered about as impossible as achieving peace in Somalia. So I suppose it’s possible that we might get...

Guest Opinion: America — The land of the cynical

FRANK LUNTZ - GUEST OPINION September 29, 2009

I listen to America — in focus groups, telephone interviews, town halls, and polls in all 50 states — for a living. It used to be fun. Now it’s become painful. For 15 years, average Americans have...

For safety and precautionary reasons, require H1N1 vaccinations

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 28, 2009

The novel H1N1 virus started flu season with infections reported throughout the country. Iowa City is not immune to this threat; UI officials recently said the virus had potentially infected as many as...

Career number five

JUSTIN SUGG September 28, 2009

My mother told me to expect at least five career changes in my lifetime. She wasn’t criticizing me for being indecisive; she merely stated a classic adage for the American worker. In today’s economic...

If Iran doesn’t comply, apply “crippling sanctions”


Tehran could soon have humankind’s most frightening weapon if substantial diplomatic progress is not made in the coming days. For years, Iran spurned diplomatic overtures to address the threat posed...

New Field House fee for public only fair

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 25, 2009

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” economist Milton Friedman, among others, famously proclaimed. But for Iowa City residents who use the Field House, it may seem that way. For the better part...