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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Guest Opinion: Tucker Max has female fans. Why?


Tucker Max thinks that “all women are whores” and that “fat girls aren’t real people” — and those are some of his family-friendlier observations. So why do so many women love him? Max and...

New Field House fee for public only fair

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 25, 2009

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” economist Milton Friedman, among others, famously proclaimed. But for Iowa City residents who use the Field House, it may seem that way. For the better part...

On gay marriage, don’t allow citizens the right to vote

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 24, 2009

Founding Father and eventual President James Madison warned against the “tyranny of the majority” in the country’s early days. The tyranny he referred to was the power an elected majority — or...

Global warming a potential boon?

SIMEON TALLEY September 24, 2009

We are having the wrong public debate about global warming — and we are running out of time to get it right. It’s important to discuss carbon caps and taxes or other mitigation strategies, but a...

Guest Opinion: Family business


For a moment, I thought of what she might have been like at 6, sitting on the edge of the paper-covered table in the doctor’s office waiting for the needle prick. She laughed nervously and tossed her...

Good luck, cinema students

MICHAEL DAVIS September 23, 2009

The glitz and glamour that was supposed to enter Iowa after the state began handing out tax credits to the film industry has hit a standstill. An internal audit of the program found glaring problems with...

Why Bill Cosby likes ‘The Obama Show’


Twenty-five years ago, NBC took a risk. In late September, the network launched a half-hour situation comedy about a prosperous, well-educated family whose children actually listened to their parents...

If economy doesn’t improve, UI president shouldn’t receive a bonus

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 22, 2009

The state Board of Regents indicated at its Sept. 17 meeting that it is considering pay-for-performance bonuses for the three state universities’ presidents. UI President Sally Mason’s bonus, for...


BEAU ELLIOT September 22, 2009

The results of human action are, as we all know too well, often confusing and generally unpredictable. The Law of Unintended Consequences, as it’s known. Which is good news for writers, because —...

Guest Opinion: African-U.S. unity necessary for both actors

PAUL KAGAME - GUEST OPINION September 22, 2009

Africa and the United States may be on the verge of a new partnership, not one of dependency and aid but one of shared ideas, vision, and investments that increase our mutual prosperity. To begin this...

Help for county medical examiner should be on the way

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 21, 2009

The recent news of the overworked Johnson County Medical Examiner’s Department highlights the brutal truth that reality is nothing like an episode of “Law and Order.” The department has experienced...

Guest Opinion: Redskins need a new name


I hate politically correct orthodoxy, that reflexive tendency to corral thought and language into neat little “good” and “bad” boxes. To me, it’s a kind of social disorder, a self-imposed censorship...