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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Point/Counterpoint: Is the UI’s new attendance policy a good one?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF September 10, 2009

Because of the H1N1 flu virus, UI officials have implemented a new attendance policy for students. Is it a good one? Two DI opinions writers weigh in. Policy doomed to fail I have a premonition for this...

The forgotten youth

SIMEON TALLEY September 10, 2009

It is often too easy to disregard the debates surrounding economic and financial reform taking place in the country. While this recession has been dubbed the worst since the Great Depression and given...

Why liberals should drop the public option

MATT MILLER - GUEST OPINION September 10, 2009

A dangerous sentiment on the left threatens to derail what could be the biggest progressive achievement in half a century. It’s the view that any health-care reform that doesn’t include a public option...

Recycling efforts in dorms should be increased

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 9, 2009

A new waste-collection operation at the UI may encourage faculty recycling in academic buildings, but officials should put an increased focus on the dorms. Under the new system, UI faculty and staff will...

Vote or booze

MICHAEL DAVIS September 9, 2009

Two years ago, Iowa City residents saw the resolve of UI students when the 21-ordinance was voted down. Many proponents of the 21-only cynically thought the main reason these youngsters came out was to...

Afghan quagmire?


Has Afghanistan turned into Barack Obama’s Vietnam? It could, but it hasn’t yet. At this point, there are still crucial differences between the two wars, including: • Support at home. The American...

UI should welcome open meetings and discourse, not opacity

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 8, 2009

Another year, another controversy surrounding the UI’s handling of ostensibly private affairs. The Iowa Attorney General’s Office recently confirmed that two executive sessions of the UI Faculty...

Blake holes

BEAU ELLIOT September 8, 2009

In the Year of Obama, time flies like setting concrete. Warps swirl and crises linger like the sound of that lawn mower yesterday that seemed determined to cut every blade of grass in the neighborhood. Except...

Obama administration policies in trouble?


Rising opposition to President Obama’s health-care proposals may be morphing into something broader and deeper: an anti-Obama movement that could jeopardize the president’s political standing, damage...

Downtown with fewer bars should still cater to students

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 4, 2009

Et Cetera’s and 3rd Base’s respective owners are appealing the Iowa City City Council’s decision not to renew their liquor licenses, but early indications from state officials do not appear to favor...

WPA redux


The banks “are healing,” says Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. And the soaring profits reported by Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan suggests that at least some of the big banks are planning a return to the...

Police, bar owners should team up to curb downtown violence

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 3, 2009

Despite the financial problems facing the Iowa City police, the department and the public — including bar owners — should work together to prevent alcohol-related violence. Starting Sept. 20, Iowa...