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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Point/Counterpoint: Should the UI use stimulus funds to plug budget holes?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF October 23, 2009

On Tuesday, UI Senior Vice President for Finance Doug True told Faculty Senate members the university is considering using leftover stimulus funds to close the university’s $24.7 million budget gap....

Fire station’s groundbreaking too early

CHRIS CLARK October 23, 2009

After more than a decade of talking without walking, officials will finally take the first step in answering Iowa City North Siders’ call for a new fire station. But one question still looms: Is it...

Guest Opinion: The unfortunate death of Field House basketball

PAUL DONALDSON October 23, 2009

UI officials have decided to charge a fee to the public for any use of the UI Field House. Monetary equity between students and public is the justification. Personally, I can afford a fee. But, unlike...

Tomorrow’s national-security challenges

SIMEON TALLEY October 22, 2009

The war in Afghanistan has cost us billions of dollars and countless lives. But what if there was a better way to address potential conflicts and looming national-security challenges on the front end —...

Guest Opinion: Cutting TA positions detrimental to students’ education

BILL PETERSON October 22, 2009

Unless you’ve been spending a lot of time in caves lately, you know that the state and country are suffering financial difficulties. The most worrisome development is that 150 fewer of my fellow graduate...

Proposed jump in parking fines is too steep

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 22, 2009

The City Council’s proposal to hike snow emergency fines is cold. Iowa City officials want to raise the fines for parking violations during snow emergencies from $15 to $50. This move, they say, would...

County supervisor appointment process satisfactory thus far

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 21, 2009

On Tuesday, the three-member county statutory committee — which consists of the auditor, treasurer, and recorder — whittled the field of 16 candidates vying to fill the vacant Board of Supervisors...

“Consumer empowerment” an oxymoron

SHAWN GUDE October 21, 2009

I love fair trade. It makes you feel good knowing that instead of opting for the requisite sweatshop-made garment, your shirt was stitched by a well-paid worker in a comfortable environment. I know this...

Guest Opinion: Give us freedom to choose: Legalize marijuana

TRAVIS RUDD October 21, 2009

Living now, in a time with much government involvement in our daily lives, it seems our liberty is being threatened more than ever. Justin Sugg’s Oct. 12 column, “Why stop at medical marijuana?”...

Today’s UISG-sponsored forum raises conflict of interest questions

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 20, 2009

Among UI Student Government leaders, there’s discernible support for students running for City Council. The problem is — as tonight’s UISG-sponsored forum exemplifies — it verges on explicit conflicts...

Pledge city

BEAU ELLIOT October 20, 2009

Orion, the constellation (as opposed to O’Ryan, the mythical Irish warrior), has been poking its nose and its belt and its legs up over the eastern horizon for the last three weeks or so, which means...

Guest Opinion: Group’s indoctrination charge is laughable

TOM GIOIELLI October 20, 2009

As I was perusing through the Oct. 19 issue of The Daily Iowan, I was intrigued by a half-page advertisement from the Alliance Defense Fund that read “College Students Deserve An Education Not Indoctrination.”...