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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Despite media attention, ethnic discourse won’t go anywhere

This is what is likely to come of the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home by a white police officer: nothing. The July 16 arrest of the African American scholar by a Cambridge, Mass., police officer...

A culture under the influence of drug ads

It’s amazing what an hour of aimless channel surfing can turn up these days. After some freewheeling with the remote one night recently, I managed to catch not only half a dozen low-budget makeover...

On fixing journalism, high schoolers beat the pros

ADAM SULLIVAN July 24, 2009

Wide-spread layoffs, pay cuts, and defunct publications. Recently graduated journalism friends have told me they literally have nightmares about those things. But step back an age group to the high-school...

Is the Democrats’ health care plan feasible?

DI STAFF July 24, 2009

Middle class will end up paying Health care in this country will not a right, even after the federal government figures out which of the two bills floating around Congress will become a law. Both bills,...

Iowa City police’s speeding procedure set to protect citizens, not harass them


A nice drive on an open highway is an iconic image of summer. But just down the road, a cop lurking behind a billboard or just over the hill waiting to pull over the speedster seems to put a damper on...

Death by birth

SIMEON TALLEY July 23, 2009

Imagine the likelihood of you or someone you know surviving childbirth as one in seven. By the time you finish reading this column, four women will have died from complications related to pregnancy or...

Should the CIA have a real-life license to kill?


Back in 1960, the CIA hatched a plan to kill Patrice Lumumba by infecting his toothbrush with a deadly disease. The Congolese leader would brush his teeth and, presto, in a few days or weeks he would be...

Facilitating Iowa wine industry’s growth provides economic pluses


What Iowa industry has grown more than five times in the last nine years? If you were so bold as to predict the wine industry, you would be correct. According to a study from Iowa State University, there...

Happy anniversary, Moon landing

COLIN GILBERT July 22, 2009

I enjoy checking my horoscope in the paper. They’re fun, I can’t deny that, either by way of an occasional creepy bull’s-eye or wildly missed marks. But there are among us, sadly, those who take...

New rec center will be welcomed by students


I am pleased to see that the DI’s Editorial Board is not suggesting that the new UI recreation center is not needed, but I argue instead that the cost-sharing plan and the years of planning the new...

City government requires more public involvement to function smoothly


“This city is what it is because our citizens are what they are.” Plato had it right. For as much as any one of us gripes about how Iowa City is run by its elected officials, much of what is done...

Wisely in the stars

BEAU ELLIOT July 21, 2009

WISE LATINA WOMAN Aries (March 21-April 19): Don’t obsess about that nagging knee injury and your lack of health insurance — Congress is plodding to the rescue. Never mind that Republicans in Congress...