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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

UISG decision to support hike, surcharge an affront to students

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 29, 2009

The UI Student Government is in danger of losing credibility with students after this one. Top UISG leaders such as President Michael Currie ruefully endorsed a plan to impose both a 6 percent tuition...

Revamping higher education

SIMEON TALLEY October 29, 2009

It’s time that we start thinking about how to reform higher education and make these institutions — including the UI — more efficient. Public and private colleges all across the country are faced...

Currie: In order to sustain quality of education, pass tuition surcharge


What in the hell is wrong with UI Student Government? The members were elected on behalf of the students to represent their interests, and now they’re going to the state Board of Regents and asking them...

Athletics department should help university’s budget woes

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 28, 2009

The strength of the athletics department extends beyond its players’ muscles. The department’s budget is also mighty, and it continues to do well while the sour economy drives the university into the...

Give students a vote on budget cuts

MICHAEL DAVIS October 28, 2009

The heightened atmosphere is palpable. Students are bracing for the first hard hit, their knees buckling. This is not the picture of Pat Angerer about to demolish an opposing running back. This week’s...

Guest Opinion: Curb the drinking problem — make the campus wet

WILL MATTESSICH October 28, 2009

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Every year, the administration discusses the UI’s binge-drinking problem, recycling the same failed...

Recent DI advertising supplement strikingly inaccurate

We, the UI Law Students for Reproductive Justice, object to your inclusion of the advertising supplement in the Oct. 20 edition of The Daily Iowan. Much of the information in the ad was alarmingly inaccurate....

UI silent treatment on building renaming is misuse of power

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 27, 2009

Regent Robert Downer can only speculate about a proposed UI building name change. That’s not good. In what’s sure to be a controversial state Board of Regents meeting on Thursday — amid the arguments...

Put English on it

BEAU ELLIOT October 27, 2009

This just in: BBC Radio reports that Dallas police have issued approximately 40 citations to people for not speaking English. Yeah, I know — I didn’t realize anyone in Dallas spoke English, either. We’re...

UI should reverse decision to close Chicago Center

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 26, 2009

A UI flag will no longer be flying in the Windy City. Budget cuts have largely forced the university to close its Chicago Center in November. As a top institution, the UI fights for each and every student...

The financial blame game

JUSTIN SUGG October 26, 2009

A global battle rages on — and I’m not talking about Afghanistan. This is a battle of economics. The financial crisis has prompted economists and politicians to call for increased regulation, while...

UI professor: Expel UI students charged with alcohol-related offenses


It was 3 a.m., and someone was trying to kick down our front door. My wife and I were terrified. We feared for our children who were sleeping in the next room. She called the police, and I went downstairs...