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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Guest Opinion: The soda-tax solution


The United States needs a health-care sweet spot — a way to raise revenue for needed programs now and a way to lower health-care costs in the future. Taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages — those with...

Elect — don’t appoint — supervisor’s replacement

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 7, 2009

Johnson County Supervisor Larry Meyers’ death last month left both a hole in the community and an absent seat on the Board of Supervisors. To fill that seat, the county statutory committee recently voted...

The all-important TA

MICHAEL DAVIS October 7, 2009

The recent news that UI officials could cut additional UI teaching assistants because of budget cuts — on top of the 150 already axed — was like an unexpected slug. In my four years at this university,...

Barta: Irresponsible few reflect poorly on Hawkeye tailgating


As I enjoy my fourth season as athletics director at the UI, I appreciate more than ever before the special feel of “Kinnick Magic.” I continue to be amazed and appreciative of the passion shown by...

Empowered students could create political watershed

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 6, 2009

Today’s schedule for UI students should be as follows: Wake up, go to class, and vote in the City Council primary. The first two are (hopefully) a given, but the last one is a necessity. Two years ago,...

Absolutely no

BEAU ELLIOT October 6, 2009

So President Obama failed (failed — how can Obama the Hope fail?) to snatch away the Olympic Games from those greedy Brazilians and bring them to Chicago. (OK, OK; quite obviously, Brazilians are no...

Guest Opinion: The conservative case for health-care reform


A majority of so-called Republican strategists believe that health care is a Democratic issue. They are wrong: Health care is an American issue, and the Republican Party has an opportunity to demonstrate...

Vote Tallon and Mims in City Council primary

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 5, 2009

In interviewing the five primary candidates for Tuesday’s City Council primary, the Editorial Board weighed a variety of integral factors. Candidates had to have a grasp of both student and nonstudent...

The devil’s in the details

JUSTIN SUGG October 5, 2009

I’m still waiting for my financial aid. Card after card from the UI Office of Student Financial Aid has come in the mail, but I’ve yet to receive my refund check — the money left over after student...

Guest Opinion: United States must exit Afghanistan, leave Iran alone


The Obama administration’s quest to control the health-insurance industry has dominated the headlines for months, but finally — with the news out of Iran and Afghanistan — foreign policy has again...

County auditors shouldn’t have a “D” or “R”

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 2, 2009

Democracies are based on the notion that elections should be free and fair and that ballots should be counted in an unbiased manner. So — as we’re in the midst of election season — the question must...

The power of the swipe

CHRIS CLARK October 2, 2009

I tend not to carry cash in my wallet. That could be a statement about my bank account or about the proliferation of plastic money. Regardless, all UI students get those plastic golden tickets — their...