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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Iowa lawmakers should back proposal to expand poker tournaments

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 3, 2010

Poker enthusiasts and the state’s coffers would both win if a poker proposal makes its way through the Iowa Legislature. The plan would allow casinos to host poker tournaments in areas outside the gaming...

The life of a student commuter

TYLER HAKES February 3, 2010

My name is Tyler Hakes, and I’m a commuter. There, I said it. I’m one of those weird folks who only turns up in Iowa City when it’s class time, takes up all of the downtown parking, and then...

Guest: Celebrating the life of Ponseti

PAUL ETRE - GUEST OPINION February 3, 2010

Babies from around the world expressed their gratitude to Dr. Ignacio Ponseti by smiling, laughing, and giggling. Little did they realize that because of the Ponseti Method for the treatment of clubfoot,...

City Council right to begin search for new city manager

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 2, 2010

Iowa City is in desperate need of a new city manager. Recognizing that exigency, city councilors backed Mayor Matt Hayek’s plan at Monday night’s work session to hire an outside firm to spearhead...

Swimming to here

BEAU ELLIOT February 2, 2010

So, let’s see. A little more than a week ago, say 10 days (give or take a day, and this being winter, you could certainly take a day and we wouldn’t miss it much), President Obama was politically dead...

Guest: Iowa City should be a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants


Iowa City should become a sanctuary city, and here is why: It would be a step toward recognizing that seeking the welfare of one is seeking the welfare of all. A sanctuary city is a place in which a formal...

Should IC taxis be allowed to have flashing ads on their roofs?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF February 1, 2010

YES On the docket for the Iowa City City Council’s Tuesday meeting is an interesting inquiry: Five Stars Taxi is asking the council for permission to place electronic advertisements on the top of its...

Free market decline?

SIMEON TALLEY February 1, 2010

The annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, brings together a cadre of the world’s rich, powerful, and über-influential to discuss the great issues of the day. True to form, this year’s...

Rocklin: UI has no qualms with legal, responsible drinking


Approximately a quarter of the undergraduates at the UI report having suffered physical injury as a result of their alcohol use within the last year. About half report blacking out, around a quarter had...

Aiding Haiti is a must for UI community and Americans alike

DI EDITORIAL BOARD January 29, 2010

The devastation is widespread, the pleas for aid are gut-wrenching, and the whole world is watching. Hundreds of Haitians are dead, and bodies litter the crumbled streets. Roughly 2,000 miles away, take...

Sex education and the teen pregnancy culture

SAMANTHA MILLER January 29, 2010

“I’m pregnant.” “What? Honest to blog?” “Yeah. Yeah, it’s Bleeker's.” “It’s probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch? “No, this is not a food baby, all right? I’ve...

GOP flag-waving falls flat on military unemployment bill

DI EDITORIAL BOARD January 28, 2010

On Tuesday, the Iowa House of Representatives passed a common-sense measure that would bring the state up to speed with the majority of the country. It would extend unemployment benefits to spouses of...