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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The pitfalls of the U.S. mission in Libya

GUEST OPINION June 21, 2011

The U.S. government has lied to the American people in saying that the effort in Libya is purely humanitarian. In actuality, the conflict is only justified with the language of humanitarianism; underlying...

$13,000 provost search not unreasonable, but still questionable


Compared with the cost of a similar search in 2008, the price tag for the University of Iowa’s 2011 provost search seems trifling. For a mere $13,000, university officials managed to select 21 candidates,...

Juneteenth, the neglected holiday

EMILY INMAN June 20, 2011

Sunday was an important holiday, right? It was the third Sunday in June, meaning fathers across the country were honored with electric razors and golf clubs. However, another very important day — a...

UNI student President: Hamerlinck’s comments shouldn’t deter student involvement

GUEST OPINION June 20, 2011

On June 6, I appeared before the Iowa Senate education-appropriations fix subcommittee to briefly describe the effect that continued cuts to education would have on students at Iowa’s state universities....

On Pride weekend, remember how far we’ve yet to go


Iowa City may be the third gayest city in America, but that doesn’t mean the struggle for gay rights and acceptance is over. This weekend, Iowa City will celebrate Pride 2011, joining cities across...

Being fat Batman

CHRIS STEINKE June 17, 2011

After the NBA Finals — featuring arguably the greatest group of villains in U.S. sports history — fetched the highest ratings in more than a decade, the virtues of a powerful, polarizing antagonist...

Remembering a professor who fiercely pursued justice


University of Iowa Joseph B. Tye Law Professor David Baldus died Monday after a long battle with colon cancer, ending the career of a man who worked tirelessly against an unjust system. Baldus, 75, had...

Waging war on family planning

MATT HEINZE June 16, 2011

I hate to sound like another liberal bleeding heart beating the war drum in Iowa City, but as far as I’m concerned, there are some issues on which one cannot remain silent. Family planning is one of...

Verbal harassment can lead to anti-gay violence

GUEST OPINION June 16, 2011

“Hey, fag with the skinny jeans, why don’t you-—”, a group of men yelled at me from a teal green Honda Accord which accelerated down Gilbert Street at a speed almost certainly against the law....

High rent, empty storefronts shouldn’t tempt City to intervene in the downtown market


A vibrant downtown with equal proportions retail, entertainment, office, and nightlife facilities has long been a dream of the Iowa City City Council and many residents. But with several businesses (and...

Business skills don’t automatically mirror political success

SHAWN GUDE June 15, 2011

Mitt Romney boasts about it. So do Herman Cain, Gary Johnson, and Michele Bachmann. But is the private-sector experience that these presidential-nomination hopefuls possess an ipso facto asset for elected...

Get government out of marriage, period

ADAM B SULLIVAN June 15, 2011

The anti-gay marriage crowd in this state argues that the Iowa Supreme Court overstepped its bounds when it effectively legalized gay marriage two years ago. A handful of robed judges dictating law to...