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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

TASER AXON is pretty cool, actually

CHRIS STEINKE September 9, 2011

Imagine an Iowa City Super Officer — even more super-duper than they already are — complete with an HD camera attached to her or his head. Imagine what that could mean for Iowa City’s “service,”...

UI Dems/UI Republicans Showdown: Job creation — UDems

GUEST OPINION September 9, 2011

On Thursday, members of the UI College Republicans offered their solution to job creation in the first twice-monthly exchange. Today, the University Democrats respond. The middle class is key. The best...

UI housing drug fines a conflict of interest

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 8, 2011

Last year, the University of Iowa collected</a> more than $140,000 in dorm fines from students charged with illegal possession of drugs and alcohol. There were 104 illicit-drug fines included in...

Air quality shouldn’t decrease during election

WILL MATTESSICH September 8, 2011

Air quality shouldn't be a political bargaining chip. Just before Labor Day weekend, President Obama announced that he would tell the EPA not to implement its new proposed air-quality standards, citing...

University Democrats/UI College Republicans Showdown: Job creation – UICR

GUEST OPINION September 8, 2011

Beginning today, the DI will run a twice-monthly University of Iowa Democrat/Republican exchange in which both sides will answer one prompt, due to the editor on the same day. President Obama is scheduled...

New Iowa City lobbyist hiring laudable

DI EDITORIAL BOARD September 7, 2011

Another representative, contracted rather than elected, will prove beneficial for Iowa City. Iowa City City Manager Tom Markus has proposed hiring a lobbyist who would help represent the city to state...

Sullivan: Dvorsky wrong to call Perry "lock-step" Tea Partier

ADAM B SULLIVAN September 7, 2011

At a campaign event in New Hampshire over the weekend, 2012 caucus contender Gov. Rick Perry called for "strategic fencing." Of course, my first thought was, "Finally, a viable presidential...

Student veteran: Why are we still fighting War on Terror?

GUEST OPINION September 7, 2011

As a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan reflecting on my time in service, I'm not sure why the United States continues to fight the War on Terror. The horrible terrorist acts on 9/11 were not because of...

Should alcohol be sold in Kinnick?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF September 6, 2011

Yes As a colleague of mine commented so poignantly, it’s a historically egalitarian issue by nature, a simple matter, in principle, of the haves and the have-nots. Why should we, these huddling masses...

Labor’s love’s lost

BEAU ELLIOT September 6, 2011

Good job? Good luck. Good night. Not to rain on your Labor Day parade or anything. Yeah, I know, for many Americans, Labor Day means gathering your grill friends and your girlfriends and, presumably,...

KRUI student radio getting the shaft

GUEST OPINION September 6, 2011

I’ve been with KRUI for more than four years now, and I have the pleasure of serving as general manager, a position I will relinquish in a month because of increased time constraints. At KRUI, we work...

Andrews will not have died in vain

GUEST OPINION September 2, 2011

Marcellus Andrews was brutally beaten to death on Aug. 19 in Waterloo. Let this remind us of the uphill battle we still face here in Iowa. Whether you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or straight...