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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Byrd: The folly of Cancel Colbert

MATTHEW BYRD April 1, 2014

Anyone who pays a semblance of attention to the Twitterverse could not help but notice the explosion of tweets featuring the hashtag #CancelColbert that swept across said verse and ignited a particularly...

Editorial: Obamacare deadline here(ish)


Last week, the Obama administration announced that the deadline for individual to sign up for health care via the federal health exchange as part of the Affordable Care Act would be extended from the original...

Hassett: Two ways to stop suicide

NICK HASSETT March 31, 2014

It’s one of those stories that gives you pause with just the headline: Suicides Mounting, Golden Gate Looks To Add A Safety Net. The New York Times article, published last week, details a renewed...

Gromotka: Iowa politics goes viral

ADAM GROMOTKA March 31, 2014

Starting with Gov. Terry Branstad’s confidential-employee-settlement fiasco, it’s been a less-than-smooth few weeks for the face of Iowa politics. Silly antics have coupled with a number of...

Tilly: Let Girls into the UI

ZACH TILLY March 28, 2014

The third-season finale of “Girls” ended with Lena Dunham’s Hannah weighing a move to Iowa City, having been accepted earlier in the episode to the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, a potentially...

Overton: Morality without religion

JON OVERTON March 28, 2014

It’s hard to imagine a world without religion. Belief in a higher power seems borderline universal, though the exact content and shape of religious thought varies dramatically. The Pew Research...

Lee: Inclusive media isn’t enough

ASHLEY LEE March 28, 2014

A Time article published this week says the “post-racial revolution will be televised,” that the increase in multicultural representation gives audiences the ability to see minorities in influential...

Editorial: Secret deals in Des Moines


News broke Tuesday that several U.S. Secret Service agents, stationed in Amsterdam to prepare for the president’s arrival, were sent home after a night of drinking that reportedly left one agent...

Tilly: A good win for Northwestern

ZACH TILLY March 27, 2014

Northwestern’s football players scored their first meaningful victory in a few years on Wednesday when the Chicago district of the National Labor Relations Board ruled they are legally allowed to form...

Richson: Disabled students need a guiding hand

BRIANNE RICHSON March 27, 2014

Where I am from in New Jersey, going to college is largely an expectation. It is perhaps an unspoken judgment, but if you aren’t taking Honors or Advanced Placement classes, people turn their noses...

Editorial: Businesses shouldn’t impose religion on employees


This week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear two cases that could fundamentally alter the Affordable Care Act. These cases, filed by the corporations Hobby Lobby and the Conestoga Wood Corp. against Secretary...

Byrd: Social welfare and the Muppets

MATTHEW BYRD March 26, 2014

This past weekend, with spring break winding down, I decided to take in some light fare in the form of Muppets: Most Wanted. For the most part I got what I expected. Delightfully absurd and somewhat subversive...