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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Overton: Why leaders make bad decisions

JON OVERTON April 7, 2014

All people think they’re above average. It’s pleasant to think of ourselves as smart or as good leaders. These are definitely great for our self-esteem, but oh boy, are there some pitfalls...

Editorial: City should tweak entertainment exemption


The public debate on Iowa City’s 21-ordinance has tapered off since the failed effort to repeal it in the last election, but behind the scenes and through meetings between the city and local bars,...

Richson: How harmful words linger


In class, I was recently asked to think about the most harmful thing anyone ever said to me, a remark that really resonated with me in a negative way. This wasn’t a difficult exercise for me (shout...

Lee: The problem of forced integration

ASHLEY LEE April 4, 2014

Last week, the Student Senate at the University of Alabama struck down a proposal that would require greek life to be racially integrated. In light of events last fall, when two black females were denied...

Editorial: McCutcheon decision dangerous


The United States has had a long history with campaign financing, a troubling history of late. Balancing the competing interests of ensuring free speech and warding off corruption is no easy feat, but the...

Ponnada: Nobody wins in high school

SRI PONNADA April 3, 2014

When I was younger, I used to get picked on at school all the time. I was convinced that it was because I wasn’t like the other kids. I looked different, I talked in a foreign accent, and everyone...

Guest opinion: Suicide prevention is everyone’s business

GUEST OPINION April 3, 2014

I commend The Daily Iowan for printing Nick Hassett’s brave column “Two Ways to Stop Suicide.” I am sorry for Nick’s loss of his high-school friend, whose life was snuffed out too...

Editorial: ACA succeeds despite complexity


This week, on Monday, the deadline for enrolling in the federal health exchange as part of the Affordable Care Act came and went, with a positive result for the White House as it was announced that the...

Tilly: The brief return of Happy Obama

ZACH TILLY April 2, 2014

Tuesday saw the return appearance of a creature unseen for quite some time: Happy Obama. That particular species was rumored to have been pushed to edge of extinction by an 18-month parade of post re-election...

Lane: A goodbye to How I Met Your Mother

JOE LANE April 2, 2014

This past Monday, one of the most popular shows on television came to its long-awaited conclusion. After nine successful seasons, “How I Met Your Mother” is finally over. “How I Met...

Byrd: The folly of Cancel Colbert

MATTHEW BYRD April 1, 2014

Anyone who pays a semblance of attention to the Twitterverse could not help but notice the explosion of tweets featuring the hashtag #CancelColbert that swept across said verse and ignited a particularly...

Editorial: Efficiency study welcome


Along with the financial consulting firm Deloitte, the state Board of Regents is about to undertake its first efficiency study of the state’s public universities since the 1980s at a projected cost...