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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Lane: The lure of the screen

JOE LANE May 8, 2014

I used to tell my parents that the first cell phone I will allow my own children to have will be a flip phone, incapable of Internet access and certainly without the ability to use “apps.”...

Lee: The social advocacy of Laverne Cox

ASHLEY LEE May 8, 2014

Transgender actress and public speaker Laverne Cox — best known for her role on Netflix’s “Orange is the New Black,” on which she plays Sophia Burset, a transgender woman in prison...

Point/Counterpoint: What should be done about e-cigs?

DI STAFF May 7, 2014

The Iowa Legislature passed a ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors last week, and the Food and Drug Administration recently announced that it will begin to regulate e-cigs. Health data, however,...

Overton: Beware the trigger warning

JON OVERTON May 7, 2014

Yesterday, Brianne Richson, one of my fellow columnists at The Daily Iowan suggested that colleges and universities around the United States should adopt trigger warnings on the grounds that people who...

Hassett: The data war

NICK HASSETT May 7, 2014

It’s not every day that you see a company defy the U.S. government. You especially don’t see them do so in a brazen and public way. Yet recently, tech companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Facebook,...

Editorial: Expand veterans programs further


The Daily Iowan Editorial Board is pleased by the recent passing of Senate File 303, a motion to improve financial benefits that invite returning servicemen and -women to the state of Iowa with goals of...

Elliot: Dangerous daydreams

BEAU ELLIOT May 6, 2014

Daydreaming about crime and the environment, which is depressing. So I stop daydreaming. I can stop anytime; I don’t need your 12-step program to stop daydreaming. Just moving through here, like everyone...

Richson: Colleges should adopt trigger warnings


We all have that one memory that we’d prefer people not bring up, because we want to block it from our consciousness forever, or at the very least, we’d prefer people not bring up while we’re...

Editorial: Some progress made this session


The Iowa Legislature wrapped up its dreadfully short four-month session last week that, while displaying a few bright spots, was mostly defined by a general stasis on most of the state’s major political...

Gromotka: UI should promote student art


Despite the overly generalizing party-school ranking received this year from the Princeton Review, the University of Iowa and Iowa City are both cultural hot spots — a duo that produces, consumes, and...

Ponnada: ‘Sri Ponnada?’ Delete.

SRI PONNADA May 5, 2014

Do you email your professors? I email mine all the time with questions, concerns, and sometimes just to show them something cool that relates to class material. Sometimes, I get responses right away, sometimes...

Editorial: More secrecy in Iowa government


It seems that the state of Iowa has taken to a pattern of secrecy. At least, that’s what surfacing records of secret settlements paid out by state universities would suggest. According to records obtained...