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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Soyer: Ban indoor tanning for youth

HANNAH SOYER February 12, 2015

Iowa lawmakers are working to pass a law that would effectively ban indoor UV tanning for anyone under the age of 18.  The bill was introduced by Rep. Mary Mascher, D-Iowa City, and has been faced with...

Manfull: Alabama’s gay marriage debacle

ERIN MANFULL February 12, 2015

With Valentine’s Day lurking right around the corner, it’s admittedly got me thinking a lot about what this “holiday” really means. Personally, I hate the fact that it’s become...

Editorial: Authorization of force against ISIS more urgent than ever

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 11, 2015

ISIS has killed yet another American hostage: Kayla Mueller, who had been held captive by Islamic militants for more than 18 months and has died under unclear circumstances. Like the previously slain...

Prall: Support net neutrality, support equality

JACOB PRALL February 11, 2015

Through net neutrality, the FCC wants to protect your right to cruise the Internet without corporations slowing you down or shutting you out. Imagine a documentary becomes available on Netflix about some...

Brown: Action on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church

MARCUS BROWN February 11, 2015

In a definitive step toward long overdue action by the Catholic Church, the commission advising Pope Francis is looking into the possibility of sanctioning bishops involved in the perpetuation of indecent...

Lane: Not exactly designer babies

JOE LANE February 11, 2015

Last week, the UK House of Commons voted heavily in favor of allowing scientists to create babies from the DNA of three people. Should the House of Lords approve the bill, the United Kingdom would become...

Cervantes: Furnishing the war


Newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst purportedly said, “You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war.” With the amount of technology that can be used in today’s media,...

Elliot: Piping crude

BEAU ELLIOT February 10, 2015

Well, let’s see — the Republicans have controlled Congress for what?  Roughly a month now? According to the calendar, though we must admit, calendars might be a tad too much science for Republicans. So,...

Editorial: UI/AIB concerns remain unaddressed

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 10, 2015

During the University of Iowa/ABI talks held in the State Capitol on Monday, UI President Sally Mason addressed a room full of representatives from all over Iowa as well as more than a dozen AIB students...

Evanson: Title IX complaints against UI valid

KEITH EVANSON February 10, 2015

As reported in the Feb. 6 issue of The Daily Iowan, four Iowa field-hockey players have filed a Title IX complaint against the University of Iowa on the basis of gender discrimination in the firing of...

Editorial: Strip search bill would undermine basic privacy

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 9, 2015

Police-citizen interactions seemed to take a spotlight in 2014, whether it was the killings of unarmed black men by police that sparked nationwide protests or the subsequent handlings of civil unrest,...

Osgerby: Iowa’s important attempts to block the NSA

PAUL OSGERBY February 9, 2015

Last week, Sen. Jake Chapman, R-Adel, filed the Iowa Fourth Amendment Protection Act, that could effectively protect Iowans from warrantless federal spying, namely by the National Security Agency. Furthermore,...