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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Clegg: A step between the Jetsons and reality

CHRIS CLEGG February 18, 2015

Growing up, I always wanted one thing: a flying car. Half of that dream may have been fueled by my childhood obsession with “The Jetsons,” but the other half was undoubtedly molded out of hope...

Editorial: Support incremental minimum wage hike

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 17, 2015

The battle over the minimum-wage increase may never end. This week, Iowa Democrats plan to move a bill out of committee that will provide an increase to hourly minimum wage by $1.50 by July 2016. The...

Elliot: What’s a Niue?

BEAU ELLIOT February 17, 2015

Remember measles? Me, neither. Remember when Ebola-mania swept every corner of the country, and it turned out that the outbreak was thousands of miles away, on the other side of a fairly major body of...

Korobov: Ruled by the judiciary

MICHAEL KOROBOV February 17, 2015

The concept of “pregaming,” or drinking before an event or gathering, is certainly not a foreign one for Iowa students. Apparently, the act is familiar to the Supreme Court as well. Immediately...

Osgerby: The function of feminism

PAUL OSGERBY February 16, 2015

I saw a revolting guest opinion on the Press-Citizen website the other day: an author based in Iowa City chalking up (or perhaps I should say down) feminism to sexualized freedom of expressions from certain...

Editorial: Don’t rush the closure of mental health facilities

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 16, 2015

The prospect of at least one of Iowa’s four major mental institutions being closed in the near future has created apprehension among those with a stake in the operations of Iowa’s mental-health facilities....

Cervantes: A social milestone in the fashion industry


The fashion industry accomplished a tremendous social milestone earlier this week. Jaime Brewer, known for her activism and various roles on the tremendously popular television show “American Horror...

Editorial: Get behind the gas-tax hike

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 13, 2015

On Tuesday, The Daily Iowan reported that “Iowa lawmakers have set their sights on raising the state’s gas tax, as state’s infrastructure continues to erode and a deadline nears.”...

Clegg: Smile, we’re recording

CHRIS CLEGG February 13, 2015

Given the civil unrest sparked by events in New York City and Ferguson in July and August 2014, it should come as no surprise that lawmakers in Des Moines are drafting a bill that would require all uniformed...

Brown: Danger in Canadian bill

MARCUS BROWN February 13, 2015

The Canadian government is planning on introducing a bill that would drastically expand the power of law enforcement and federal government to prevent acts classified as terrorism. The bill, titled Bill...

Editorial: Investing in cybersecurity

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 12, 2015

In February 2011, then-CIA Director Leon Panetta stated before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: “The potential for the next Pearl Harbor could very well be a cyber attack.”...

Korobov: The real unemployment rate

MICHAEL KOROBOV February 12, 2015

The government has many departments dedicated to the sole purpose of analyzing and reporting economic data. One of the most talked about metrics is the unemployment rate, which is released monthly by the...