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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Rhyming for Donations

DI STAFF December 19, 2013

For the first time in Iowa City, Gabe's will host an event to benefit local hip-hop artists and Iowa City as a whole in the First Hip-Hop for the Holidays Donation Drive. The event will begin at 9 p.m....

Psychedelic Funk

DI STAFF December 19, 2013

A funky band that plays a mixed range of genres and whose members describe their music as "psychedelic funk-tronica" will appear in Iowa City this weekend. IndigoSun will play at 10 p.m. Friday...

Coralville’s North Pole

EMMA MCCLATCHEY December 12, 2013

Dave Bahnsen lives by one rule of thumb: There are no bad Christmas lights. “Each yard is an empty canvas, and you can paint it however you want,” he said. Bahnsen should know — he and wife Roxanne...

Load of Craft

JUSTUS FLAIR December 12, 2013

They say opposites attract. So perhaps that was the inspiration behind What a Load of Craft, a fair combining arts and crafts with punk-rock. The event will take place at the Johnson County Fairgrounds...

Gusto jazz-tino

JENNIFER HOCH December 12, 2013

Latin Jazz is a style of music containing Caribbean and South American rhythms and influences. This year, the University of Iowa School of Music’s Jazz Department is in full preparation mode for the...

A sandwich for every occasion

BEN VERHILLE December 12, 2013

If you forgot your brown-bag lunch at home before heading to the library, I have a solution for you — Nodo. One of the two Nodos, this one is situated at 5 S. Dubuque St. I overheard that the only...

Another Great Wall of China

SIQI WANG December 12, 2013

Social networks play a large role in the life of a college student. For me specifically, I have found my kindergarten friends through Chinese social networks, researched information on universities through...

Your Next Drink: Baileys and Coffee

DI STAFF December 12, 2013

Baileys and Coffee: A delicious, warm, coffee beverage with a little kick to help you get through the cold. Primary Alcohol: Baileys Irish Cream This drink comes from my own home — my mother is a huge...

Lighting the holiday

DI STAFF December 12, 2013

The University of Iowa Hawkeye Skating Club will perform a holiday performance at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 15 at the Coral Ridge Mall Ice Arena.  “Luminaries on Ice” is a part of Coralville’s 33rd-annual...

Dancing past boundaries

ISAAC HAMLET December 12, 2013

Dance is a collaborative art. Dancers are often required to lay their physical well-being in the hands of another, requiring trust in their partner. But it is also true that if told to perform an action,...

Gangster grass hits IC

MCKENNA PAULUS December 12, 2013

Communicating mid-performance with nothing more than their eyes and ears has become a norm for the band Good Gravy. Percussionist Kyle Vanbuskirk said nonverbal communication among the band members has...

One Farm Girl’s Story

EMMA MCCLATCHEY December 5, 2013

Shakespeare once wrote (in As You Like It), “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players …” This is a metaphor Janet Schlapkohl has taken literally in her newest...