Second measles case in Iowa confirmed


Measles mumps rubella vaccine vials with syringe

Aadit Tambe, Assistant Digital Editor

A second case of measles has been confirmed in Iowa, according to a press release from the Iowa Department of Public Health.

This case in an unvaccinated resident in northeast Iowa who is in household contact with the recently confirmed measles case.

“This person was identified as part of the initial case investigation and was under a public-health voluntary confinement order in the home to prevent further exposures,” the press release said.

The Public Health Iowa Department has clarified that there is currently no threat to the general public because the case has been isolated at home during the measles-incubation period. However, it serves as a reminder for all Iowans to ensure their vaccinations are up-to-date.

“Vaccines prevent diseases and save lives,” the press release stated.

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, a measles outbreak is defined as three or more cases. Measles outbreaks are ongoing in Rockland County, New York,  New York City, Washington, New Jersey, California, and Michigan.