One-on-one with Hawkeye lineman Tristan Wirfs

Sports Editor Pete Ruden caught up with Hawkeye offensive lineman Tristan Wirfs to ask him some of life’s most important questions.

Joseph Cress

Iowa offensive linemen Tristian Wirfs warms up during a summer camp practice at the outdoor practice facility on Monday, Aug. 7, 2017.

Pete Ruden, Sports Editor

Daily Iowan: If you could switch lives with any TV or movie character, who would it be?

Tristan Wirfs: That’s tough. I’d probably go Jim from “The Office.” “The Office” is my favorite show. First thing that came to my head. 


DI: What’s your favorite restaurant in Iowa City?

Wirfs: My favorite restaurant in Iowa City is probably Blaze Pizza. I love Blaze.


DI: Why did you choose your major?

Wirfs: I’m a communications major and I just declared it [three] weeks ago. I was going to do elementary education. I love working with kids. There’s just a lot of stuff that goes into it and if I wanted to graduate with that, you have to apply for it. So I wouldn’t be able to get in until next fall if I even got in with the tests you have to take. I just felt like that was a lot of work, so I wouldn’t graduate with two years left.


DI: What’s the best candy?

Wirfs: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.


DI: What were your favorite teams growing up?

Wirfs: I didn’t really have a favorite football team, but I just liked watching certain players. My favorite baseball team was the Cardinals. I was a big Cardinals guy. 


DI: Who was your favorite player to watch?

Wirfs: When I was a younger kid it was Michael Oher and when I got into high school, it was always Tyron Smith – he’s the Cowboys left tackle. Those two guys, I love watching them. 


DI: What’s your favorite memory as a Hawkeye?

Wirfs: Probably last year after Ohio State. Just kind of the feeling we had. Even in the fourth quarter, everyone just knew. You could see the fans coming down to the edge of the stadium and stuff and you’re like, “Alright, they’re swarming the field.” It was just so cool to be a part of that my first year. It was really special. 


DI: If you could sign an endorsement deal with any brand, what would it be?

Wirfs: Probably Champion. They make really big sweatpants. Their sweatpants are always really big. They fit me.


DI: What’s your dream concert?

Wirfs: I have no idea — I’ve never been to a concert before. I’d say probably Luke Combs.