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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Market solutions needed to improve economy


Unemployment is a major issue facing the state of Iowa and this country. The national unemployment rate is 9.6 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But in reality, it is much higher than...

Is political bipartisanship overrated?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF November 8, 2010

YES Bipartisanship, it seems, is more important than ever. The Democrats' electoral evisceration last week — both at the federal level and in the Iowa Legislature — engendered divided government....

21-only and student voice

SIMEON TALLEY November 8, 2010

There's a palpable sense of disappointment, and many students are feeling downright aggrieved after last week's election. Despite heavy student turnout, 21-only still stands. At the earliest, 21-only...

The insidious impact of the Federal Reserve

ANI DeGROOT - GUEST OPINION November 8, 2010

Will Mattessich brought up a number of points in his Nov. 5 column"End the Fed?" that need to be addressed. Mattessich fails to address what a gold standard is and the benefits of such a system....

End the Fed?

WILL MATTESSICH November 5, 2010

If platitudes are a disease, American politics is experiencing an epidemic. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are infected, some more severely than others. And who can blame them? It seems most Americans...

Anti-judge retention vote reflects poorly on Iowa

ERIN O'GARA - GUEST OPINION November 5, 2010

Like many people, I'm disappointed about how the election turned out, particularly for Gov. Chet Culver. My real reason for feeling so upset, though, isn't the sweeping partisan change that occurred in...

Students: move on from pro-21 result, mobilize on larger issues

DI EDITORIAL BOARD November 5, 2010

Iowa City is going to the dumps, the incensed say. Students aren't going to have any more fun. Bars are going to close, and everyone is going to lose her or his job. A few days after the election, it's...

An alternative to government-driven economic development


For those who remember long road trips and family vacations, the “sport” of highpointing is a return to those days. Highpointing involves visiting the places of highest elevations of the 50 states. Aficionados...

Was the City Council right to increase smoking fines to $50?

DI EDITORIAL BOARD November 3, 2010

YES Attention smokers: You might want to find a cheaper hobby. The City Council recently increased the penalty for smoking in a prohibited area — including the Pedestrian Mall — to a simple misdemeanor...

Trains and political group think

ZACH WAHLS November 3, 2010

I have the task of writing the post-election column. On Tuesday, our city, state, and country voted. A few days out, it seems to be accepted as fact the GOP is going to have had a phenomenally good night....

Recent Wikileaks release paints a troubling picture of Iraq


The truth is, nothing about the Iraq war has turned out well, as the 391,832 classified documents recently released by WikiLeaks prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. The credibility is impeccable because...

City Council should designate Iowa City a ‘sanctuary city’ for undocumented immigrants

DI EDITORIAL BOARD November 2, 2010

The term “sanctuary city” paints an idyllic image of a quaint town, a community accepting of all residents. Many of those opposed to creating such a designation for illegal immigrants, however, conjure...