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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

What not to do about the federal deficit

GUEST OPINION November 29, 2010

The co-chairmen of the president's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (the "deficit commission") have sparked a heated debate about how best to address the federal deficit. While...

Should the UI strictly police logo misappropriation?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF November 19, 2010

YES It seems petty, but the Tigerhawk logo is important. The University of Iowa has a vested interest in regulating the use of its logo. It is important for the university to be able to control its reputation,...

Our dead remembered

SHAY O'REILLY November 19, 2010

Pedro Jones is 20 years old and facing murder charges in the death of his girlfriend's son. According to New York State Police, Jones was baby-sitting the 17-month-old boy in August when he allegedly beat...

A ‘Rosa Parks moment’ for Mexican-Americans

GUEST OPINION November 19, 2010

"The whites wouldn't like it …" First, it occurs to me that if this were my guiding principle, I wouldn't write or say half the things I do. Those are the words that were offered up, in 1949,...

Iowa GOP lawmakers wrong to consider slashing regents’ budget

DI EDITORIAL BOARD November 18, 2010

Iowa Republican lawmakers must be afflicted with either amnesia or post-election hubris. Those appear to be the only two explanations for their refusal to commit to meeting the state Board of Regents'...

The earmark distraction

WILL MATTESSICH November 18, 2010

Call them the earmark crusaders. Senate Republicans, led by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., took a voice vote earlier this week backing a two-year earmark moratorium. Two Democrats, Sens. Claire McCaskill and...

Remembering President Warren G. Harding

GUEST OPINION November 18, 2010

The Nov. 2 election was a historic event that will have ramifications for politics and policy. But the date is also historic because it is the birthday (Nov. 2, 1865) of President Warren G. Harding and...

Constitutional amendment needed to pare back corporations’ constitutional rights

DI EDITORIAL BOARD November 17, 2010

Some corporations are more powerful than foreign countries, controlling the livelihoods of millions of employees and billions of dollars. Their decisions affect the health and basic subsistence of workers...

Bias in the news

ZACH WAHLS November 17, 2010

One of the fundamental challenges for journalists is overcoming our personal biases in our presentation of the news. Of course, true non-biased presentation is impossible. There is a simple solution to...

Students should proudly sport union-made Hawkeye apparel


Years of activism by garment-worker unionists and students organizing with United Students Against Sweatshops have paid off, as new union-made, living-wage Alta Gracia hoodies and T-shrits have hit the...

Dorm room recycling bins would be welcome addition to resident life

DI EDITORIAL BOARD November 16, 2010

When asked how often he recycles, Daum resident James Skvor's reply was brief: "rarely." While the UI sophomore is well aware of his recycling options in the dorm, it's not surprising he and...

Cats lapping milk

BEAU ELLIOT November 16, 2010

There's a lot of bad news out there, I know — depending, of course, where, exactly, out there is. Some observers say Peoria, but I think I'm pretty safe in saying most of us don't want to go there. No...