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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Should Iowans worry about the proposed abortion ban?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF February 21, 2011

YES It may only be past subcommittee — which is the legislative equivalent of merely submitting a résumé — but Iowans shouldn’t rest easy. Approved by two out of three members of a House Human...

Stop the unions (well … sort of)

SHAWN GUDE February 21, 2011

Barry Goldwater and I don’t agree on much. Goldwater, a former Arizona senator and lion of the political right, favored a muscular, bellicose foreign policy, opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and...

Keep, augment bottle deposit law

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 18, 2011

Amid the larger clashes over same-sex marriage and budget allocations, a more minor quibble has cropped up in Iowa — and it has nothing to do with a phony Cy-Hawks rivalry. The quarrel is among grocery...

Back to the kitchen

SHAY O'REILLY February 18, 2011

Despite the catchy name of the blog on which they appear, deep-fried Reese’s Peanut-Butter Cups wrapped in bacon are not why you’re fat. The answer, for most Americans, lies closer to home: vastly...

Health care repeal would be costly for young Americans

GUEST OPINION February 18, 2011

To win the future, America will need to invest in future generations and make the kind of commitments and reforms that allow our nation to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world....

Real budget battle to come

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 17, 2011

Democrats and Republicans made their bed last October, and now they are lying in it. While the participants have changed, the budget impasse the 111th Congress created is worse than ever. The cuts proposed...

Printing predicaments

TAYLOR CASEY February 17, 2011

Numerous unsuccessful print jobs. Thousands of pages lost. Trees killed, and money wasted. Like anyone else who has ever attempted to print in the Main Library, I have found these hassles infuriating....

Darfur’s human face

GUEST OPINION February 17, 2011

When I first met Bakr, I wasn’t looking to discuss the struggles of humanity, and I wasn’t feeling particularly benevolent or philanthropic. I needed a ride home, and when my friends and I climbed...

Creeping concerns about preschool proposal

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 17, 2011

Finger painting and learning the ABCs just got a little more costly for Iowa’s 4-year-olds. At Monday’s press conference, Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds launched their proposal to repeal...

Cedar Rapids… MI?

KIRSTEN JACOBSEN February 16, 2011

For Iowa City inhabitants, the actual city of Cedar Rapids is a relatively short (and dull) drive away. But those Iowans hoping to the see the city’s namesake film are in for some out-of-state road tripping. “Today...

Selling Pollock painting would cause more harm than good

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 15, 2011

Jackson Pollock, one of the most influential artists in our country’s history, has lately been inspiring more political debate than artistic imagination. A bill proposed Feb. 9 would force the University...

Sell the Old Capitol

BEAU ELLIOT February 15, 2011

In Iowa, it seems we have gone from having a Statehouse to having a Strait-House. Why else would Rep. Scott Raecker, R-Urbandale, stop at merely forcing the UI to sell the famous Jackson Pollack painting...