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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Toward democratic religion

SHAY O'REILLY February 3, 2011

Ostensibly, you can tell how someone votes by which church they attend. The idea, rapidly becoming a truism, is this: Culture-warring evangelicals vote hard-line Republican, reform Jews vote Democrat,...

Earmarks are lose-lose for taxpayers

GUEST OPINION February 3, 2011

Earmarks are a very difficult part of the budget to understand. In fiscal 2010, $15.9 billion was spent on earmarks. Given the amount of funds that are spent on earmarks every year, and how most people...

Students: take action on budget cuts

GUEST OPINION February 2, 2011

Our university is nearing a critical juncture. Public universities in Iowa receive revenue from two main sources: state appropriations and tuition. During the past two fiscal years, state appropriations...

New study accentuates mental health needs

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 2, 2011

Student-loan payments, heavy homework loads, time-management learning curves, frequently difficult roommates, and brand-new social situations — these notorious obstacles exasperate even the best-prepared...

Whose neutrality is it?

ZACH WAHLS February 2, 2011

Welcome to 1984. Egyptians were effectively cut off from the Internet around 12:30 a.m. Cairo time on Jan. 27, when the government shut down nine of the country’s 10 largest ISPs, blocking Internet access...

A welcome push to investigate athletics training

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 1, 2011

Last week’s nearly simultaneous hospitalization of 13 University of Iowa football players drew national attention. And for good reason: It is improbable that so many athletes came down with rhabdomyolysis...

Off-base analysis of UI LEAP

GUEST OPINION February 1, 2011

A Jan. 25 editorial provided an interesting review of the University of Iowa’s nontraditional Lifetime Enrichment Adult Program (UI LEAP) — except for a significant flaw. The flaw is that the DI...

Should Iowa require voters to present photo ID?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF January 31, 2011

YES Soon, there might be a new place you’ll need to show some identification: the voting booth. While many are staunchly opposed to the Iowa House’s recently approved bill, which requires intended...

Relearning inclusivity

EMILY INMAN January 31, 2011

When someone mentions the words diversity or minority in class, I am the first person to raise my hand. I have a sort of instinct that warns me of imminent attacks on blacks and Latinos. I prepare myself...

The sanctity of marriage

GUEST OPINION January 31, 2011

Today, members of the Iowa House of Representatives are expected to vote on the Iowa Marriage Amendment, which would force a public referendum on the legality of same-sex marriage. It is incredibly insulting...

Regents should investigate contracting policies, construction

DI EDITORIAL BOARD January 28, 2011

Monday’s death marked the second construction-related fatality at the University of Iowa in the last five months. Kevin Dean Hammons was trapped underground by a collapsed beam while working on the...

Finding the country’s conscience

SHAWN GUDE January 28, 2011

Forget the much-mythologized vanguard party. We young people have often been the ones at the forefront of political movements, the courageous catalysts for social change. Free of the jaundiced inertia...