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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Congrats, Action Party

CHRIS STEINKE April 13, 2011

You listened to your e-mails and went to the meetings, picked up petitions and assembled some signatures, made neon shirts and offered bar discounts, created a Facebook event and harassed every one your...

Pell Grant cuts threaten college affordability


Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan is causing a bit of a furor in the higher-education circuit. The budget plan, a recent version of which bears the title “Path to Prosperity,” aims to moderate what some...

Planning for the past

BEAU ELLIOT April 12, 2011

You hear a lot of people these days talking about planning for the future. (Well, it could be that people have talked about planning for the future for thousands of years. Well, I suppose planning for...

Little sunshine shed on property taxes in Iowa

GUEST OPINION April 12, 2011

Transparency at all levels of government — this is the goal of the Iowa Transparency Project. There is another area of government that needs the spotlight on it in hopes of creating some sunshine:...

When racing goes to the dogs


Once the esteemed companions of Egyptian pharaohs, greyhounds deserve better than running for their lives — and dog-track owners couldn’t agree more. Iowa is one of only seven states in the nation...

Analysis: GOP won first bout of budget battle

GUEST OPINION April 11, 2011

Republican conservatives were the chief winners in the budget deal that forced Democrats to accept historic spending cuts they strongly opposed. Emboldened by last fall’s election victories, fiscal...

Was the UI correct in refraining from wide notification of an alleged attempted sexual assault?


YES Rape on campus should never be taken lightly. Every University of Iowa student deserves to feel safe and to know that UI police are doing the best they can to deal with every incident. Part of ensuring...

SF430 would increase transparency — with one exception


Government by the people works best when the people know what the government is doing. Some Iowa legislators are recognizing this fact by proposing Senate File 430, which creates the Iowa Public Information...

Old Capitol dreaming

EMILY INMAN April 8, 2011

Finals week, fall semester: The campus is adorned with sparkling Christmas decorations and a light dusting of snow. Students walk through campus, books and lattés in hand, no coat or wallet in tow. They...

Two futures and the national debt

GUEST OPINION April 8, 2011

On Tuesday, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-WI, released the proposed Republican budget for fiscal 2012. Our national debt tops a staggering $14 trillion, and it is being compounded by President Obama’s trillion-plus...

Should all state employees convicted of crimes be required to return paid leave salaries?


YES On March 20 the Senate Education Committee approved a bill that would require teachers convicted of a felony, aggravated misdemeanor, or serious misdemeanor, to pay back the salary they collected...

Leftists: Caucus libertarian

SHAWN GUDE April 7, 2011

There are few things that pollute our political system more than vacuous partisanship. Substantive partisanship — the more beneficent variety based on ideology — is less common, largely for institutional...