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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Spending cuts should begin with Gov. Branstad’s income

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 23, 2011

During a time of supposed fiscal austerity, Gov. Terry Branstad is asking all Iowans to make financial sacrifices — except, apparently, himself. Branstad is collecting a $52,000 pension in addition...

Preschool ‘Nazis’

CHRIS STEINKE February 23, 2011

Based strictly on the government photograph of Sen. Mark Chelgren, R-Ottumwa, you may assume he is the epitome of self-satisfied idiocy. His eyes narrowed, his lips pursed smugly, Chelgren looks as if...

On, Wisconsin!

GUEST OPINION February 23, 2011

You’ve probably seen the images coming from Wisconsin: The Capitol’s rotunda filled with protesters, hanging off balconies; people struggling to move through crowded hallways. Tens of thousands of...

Seize this opportunity, get involved with city politics

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 22, 2011

The outcome of the 21-ordinance vote left many Iowa City denizens unhappy, including business owners, bar employees, and — most of all — University of Iowa students, who have expressed frustration...

NASCAR & Wisconsin

BEAU ELLIOT February 22, 2011

You’ll be happy to know that U.S. House Republicans have killed a Democratic measure to halt the Defense Department’s financial support of NASCAR. And also killed funds for a peace institute (also...

The Illusion of Progress

GUEST OPINION February 22, 2011

The recently proposed federal budget for fiscal 2012 has caused quite a stir. And for good reason — $3.7 trillion is no small chunk of change. But as lawmakers debate how to bring that number down, a...

Should Iowans worry about the proposed abortion ban?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF February 21, 2011

YES It may only be past subcommittee — which is the legislative equivalent of merely submitting a résumé — but Iowans shouldn’t rest easy. Approved by two out of three members of a House Human...

Stop the unions (well … sort of)

SHAWN GUDE February 21, 2011

Barry Goldwater and I don’t agree on much. Goldwater, a former Arizona senator and lion of the political right, favored a muscular, bellicose foreign policy, opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and...

Keep, augment bottle deposit law

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 18, 2011

Amid the larger clashes over same-sex marriage and budget allocations, a more minor quibble has cropped up in Iowa — and it has nothing to do with a phony Cy-Hawks rivalry. The quarrel is among grocery...

Back to the kitchen

SHAY O'REILLY February 18, 2011

Despite the catchy name of the blog on which they appear, deep-fried Reese’s Peanut-Butter Cups wrapped in bacon are not why you’re fat. The answer, for most Americans, lies closer to home: vastly...

Health care repeal would be costly for young Americans

GUEST OPINION February 18, 2011

To win the future, America will need to invest in future generations and make the kind of commitments and reforms that allow our nation to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world....

Real budget battle to come

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 17, 2011

Democrats and Republicans made their bed last October, and now they are lying in it. While the participants have changed, the budget impasse the 111th Congress created is worse than ever. The cuts proposed...