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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Does the Ames Straw Poll matter?

DI EDITORIAL BOARD August 18, 2011

YES Before the results and subsequent outcomes of the Republicans' Ames Straw Poll were made available, I gave little attention to its media veneration. I thought the poll was useless and naïve way of...

"Get out of the road!"

WILL MATTESSICH August 18, 2011

An unidentified young woman delivered this line to me out the window of a shiny Honda Civic on Madison Street while I was biking home. Drivers such as this critic of mine, who rarely understand that biking...

BART restriction may violate 1st Amendment

GUEST OPINION August 18, 2011

When Bay Area Rapid Transit officials shut down cell-phone service on the train platforms last week, they believed they were averting a disruptive protest. Their actions also triggered a number of questions...

Corporate-sponsored Iowa laws should not be tolerated


Corporations — including Walmart, Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Kraft Foods — are helping to write bills proposed in the Iowa House of Representatives. The American Legislative Exchange Council is a...

Apartments Downtown has issues

CHRIS STEINKE July 29, 2011

It's nearing the end of July, and all those who didn't renew their current leases are bustling about Iowa City, gathering their belongings and preparing to move into their new homes on Aug. 1, the traditional...

Guest opinion underscores need for mental-health facilities

GUEST OPINION July 29, 2011

Monday's guest opinion by D.M. Seay poses many troubling questions. It does a great job of raising the issue about the treatment of the chronically mentally ill and the aging mentally ill — not only...

2012 Democratic Candidate Harry Braun’s call for more direct democracy should be heeded


Democratic presidential candidate Harry Braun's solution to the nation's problems is a constitutional amendment only 26 words long: Enacting this as the 28th Amendment would effectively institute direct...

Manufacturing a U.S. decline

MATT HEINZE July 28, 2011

As debt ceiling negotiations sit deadlocked, the economy continues to sputter on the home front. Recently, a Roberts Dairy plant in Iowa City closed its doors for good, costing nearly 50 workers their...

Editorial Cartoon

DI STAFF July 28, 2011

Educating for democracy

SHAWN GUDE July 27, 2011

There were hours of breakout panels, several high-profile speakers, and an abundance of innovative ideas. But this week's Iowa Education Summit was bereft of one vital emphasis: citizenship education. With...

Dancing around the caucus issues

ADAM B SULLIVAN July 27, 2011

Wait, seriously? We're attacking a caucus candidate for how gay her spouse looks when he dances? Yeah, that really happened. Earlier this month, comedy newsman Jon Stewart played a clip of Marcus Bachmann...

Iowa should tighten air quality regulations


Even if you can't see or taste it, that doesn't mean it's not there: mercury, methane, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), and myriad other chemicals and dangerous compounds are floating along Iowa wind currents...