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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Obama-esque progressivism the root of the problem

JOE SCHUELLER December 8, 2011

On Tuesday, President Obama paid a visit to Osawatomie, Kan., and gave an economic speech at the high school. It was a picturesque American gathering — small town Midwest, red, white, and blue bunting...

UI professors: HPV editorial misses the mark

GUEST OPINION December 8, 2011

The Nov. 29 editorial "Recommend Pap smears, not vaccines, to prevent cervical cancer" completely missed the mark with regard to HPV vaccines. We are researchers and clinicians at the University...

GPA requirement for teachers laudable, but in need of amendment

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 7, 2011

The mandatory grade-point average required for prospective teachers to enter Iowa's 32 preparation schools should disregard the applicant's worst semester. A one-semester exception will help to correct...

Caucus, and caucus hard

ADAM B SULLIVAN December 7, 2011

Believe it or not, my caucus endorsement isn't exactly a hot item on the Iowa political scene. But with less than a month until the big night, and with so many other politicos around the state offering...

UISG: Our mid-year update

GUEST OPINION December 7, 2011

More than halfway through our term in office, the University of Iowa Student Government administration has seen both challenges and success. Last year, the Action Party ran on an ambitious, five-point...

Overcoming the gay marriage stalemate

GUEST OPINION December 6, 2011

As a strong supporter of gay marriage, I believe every state in the union should legalize it. However, governments can legalize it all they want, and the churches can still refuse to wed gay or lesbian...

Learn snow-removal procedures, save hundreds

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 6, 2011

Avoid paying a minimum of $130 in fines by learning about Iowa City's snow-removal procedures. After the first snow of the season, many veteran Iowa City residents will rush to prepare for the winter...

Being there, there

BEAU ELLIOT December 6, 2011

This year, NPR cheerily informs us, the U.S. Air Force will train more drone pilots than fighter pilots and bomber pilots combined. I'm not sure how to digest that news, because Herman Cain is gone,...

Two medical experts debate HPV vaccinations

GUEST EDITORIAL December 5, 2011

Harper: Gather information and make your own choice Direct communication and full information are necessary to make health-related decisions. As a physician who routinely treats women and men with...

Sen. Grassley answers questions concerning wind-energy

GUEST OPINION December 5, 2011

Q: What's the outlook for wind-energy? A: Wind energy is a valuable source of renewable energy, and the federal tax-credit for wind-energy production should be extended beyond its scheduled expiration...

Should city councilors be debating a logo for IC?

DI STAFF December 2, 2011

No I don't like magicians. I like magic shows, but magicians always seem to put a little too much emphasis on the stupid trick no one cares about, such as pulling a pair of dirty boxers out of their...

No reason to fear police reaction after choking incident

WILL MATTESSICH December 2, 2011

When I first heard about the incident involving a University of Iowa student allegedly choking an Iowa City police officer who approached him because he was reportedly disrupting traffic, I was somewhat...