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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Die, corporate income tax-cuts, die!

DANIEL TAIBLESON February 23, 2012

Sometimes a theory is so ingrained in conventional thought that it becomes impossible to exterminate. Much like zombies, these theories manage to persist despite having been bludgeoned to death by decades...

Candidates should go to war before clamoring for it

GUEST OPINION February 23, 2012

After an eternal string of Republican "debates," we are left with a serial adulterer (former House Speaker Newt Gingrich), an individual who has a racist past (Rep. Ron Paul), a severely religious...

Costly, obsolete emergency-phones should be scrapped

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 22, 2012

Blue emergency phones may appear to be an effective way to prevent and report crimes on college campuses, but other schools have found they prove to be costly, obsolete, and abused by the public. Running...

Sallie Mae: We understand and are here to help

GUEST OPINION February 22, 2012

Your story "Locals applaud student-loan changes" (DI, Feb. 7) omits important information about private education loans. Sallie Mae advises families to use a "1-2-3 approach" to...

Protect kids from porn! And give me your credit card, please

CHRIS STEINKE February 21, 2012

Why stop online piracy when you can protect children from Internet porn? A better question: Why only limit the free flow of information when you can do that plus track everyone who uses the Internet? From...

It is what it isn’t

BEAU ELLIOT February 21, 2012

This is not about Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum, or — the cosmos save us — Newt Gingrich. So little in this world is, if you think about it. Back in 1998 — which was a quaint time before Facebook,...

UISG: Attend the student-worker summit, move UI forward

GUEST OPINION February 21, 2012

On Saturday, a momentous event in our school's history will occur. University-employed undergraduates will meet with University of Iowa Student Government leaders to discuss how to give a voice to student...

Chain-email disregards facts, perpetuates intolerance

EMILY INMAN February 20, 2012

A couple days ago, I received a chain email from my uncle. Normally, I do not open these because of the ubiquitous dancing cats or get-rich-quick schemes, but I was bored and clicked on the link in...

Bashing China will not benefit America

GUEST OPINION February 20, 2012

In this election year, China-bashing once again has become a favorite activity of the presidential hopefuls. Although Chinese policy does not, in of itself, determine the outcome of the election, it...

Adapt and keep fighting, Occupy Iowa City

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 20, 2012

Occupy Iowa City may be getting booted from College Green Park, but the members can still make a difference in the community, doing their part to strengthen the image of a what could be a powerful movement. Since...

Should a bill limiting gun-restrictions be passed into law?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF February 17, 2012

No The Iowa House of Representatives has shown its complete lack of respect for local governance and a total disregard for public safety for even entertaining a pair of bills introduced by Rep. Matt...

Chris Brown’s Grammy performance extremely disturbing

WILL MATTESSICH February 17, 2012

Chris Brown should not have performed at the Grammys. It's not just about him or about Rihanna, it's about the message we send when we quickly "move on" from domestic violence. Domestic violence...