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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Lane: Ebola drug should be used

JOE LANE August 25, 2014

Before I left campus last spring, reports of a growing Ebola outbreak in West Africa had begun to spring up on my Twitter feed.  A few months later, my nightmare-inducing friend Ebola was back in the...

Editorial: Continue progress against sexual assault


As reported in The Daily Iowan on Wednesday, Congress has proposed — with bipartisan approval — new penalties for U.S. colleges and universities that do not take appropriate steps to handle issues...

Ponnada: Lollapalooza turned up, burnt out

SRI PONNADA August 7, 2014

Do you love music? Are you a die-hard fan of any certain performer, or band? Well, I have some advice for you: Don’t be tempted by all the hype and allure of music festivals like Lollapalooza and...

Gromotka: Iowa state politics, a seasonal cycle of rot and decay    

ADAM GROMOTKA August 7, 2014

We’ve been graced by — or lucked out on receiving — a relatively cool summer, but the hot air and smog of disgusting state politics has made things feel plenty stuffy. We’ve seen worthless...

Synthetic food that’s safer than Play-doh

BARRETT SONN August 6, 2014

What is your favorite food? Whether you said waffles at dinner, chocolate ice cream in the morning, or your annoying neighbor’s kidneys at midnight, consider this: a world in which all food is 100...

The accelerating demise of science journalism

JON OVERTON August 6, 2014

This is the last column I’ll write for The Daily Iowan (insert melodramatic crocodile tears here), and it seems fitting that I go out with a great big jamboree about social science, the sorry state...

Editorial: “Nullification” as campaigning strategy


Joni Ernst, the Republican Senate candidate for the seat of retiring Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, has yet again provided her Democratic opponents with more rhetorical fodder to fill enough television advertisements...

Editorial: The Princeton Review party ranking worthless


Iowa’s infamous ranking as the No. 1 party school has dropped. The Princeton Review’s survey — perhaps the only service you’ll remember the company for unless you’re shelling...

Elliot: The Stone Age encore

BEAU ELLIOT August 5, 2014

So I see that the University of Iowa, that august institution (it even has a month named after it) is no longer the No. 1 party school in the nation. (Much gnashing of teeth.) So this fall, when you...

Editorial: The possibility of a clean energy future


Extreme weather in Iowa during the summertime appears to be on the rise. We often start with torrential rainfalls and conclude with severe dry spells, both of which devastate crops and livestock. Given...

Sonn: Scheduling classes and the numbers game

BARRETT SONN August 4, 2014

The word “diversity” and the entire college industry were made for each other. No other duo can match the scathing passion of their relationship — not Tom Cruise and running in every movie,...

Byrd: Thoughtful arguments on the Israel-Palestine conflict

MATTHEW BYRD August 4, 2014

As more innocent lives are thrown into the meat grinder that is the Israel-Palestine conflict, I notice that there are almost as many bad arguments used against pro-Palestinian people (such as me) as there...