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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Richson: A new kind of First Lady

BRIANNE RICHSON October 29, 2014

Even if your relationship with your mom or dad is Rory and Lorelai Gilmore status, you can probably think of some habit or thing that your parent has done that annoys you or that you know your friends...

Endorsement: Send Bruce Braley to the Senate

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 28, 2014

With the November Senate election approaching, the race is still tight. Republican Joni Ernst and Democrat Bruce Braley have battled each other for an edge the last few months. The most recent RealClearPolitics...

Cervantes: In school shootings, lockdowns don’t work


All people have something that they are afraid of. For some the fear is spiders. For others, it is clowns. There are, however, certain nightmares that are almost universal in their audience. One such fear...

Elliot: Beau Talks; Kombucha nation

BEAU ELLIOT October 28, 2014

A screaming comes across the sky like Pynchon‘s rockets and into the dimly lit consciousness of the email universe at dawn. It’s a headline:  “Study: Fear of Ebola Highest Among...

Endorsement: Elect Loebsack for 5th term

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 27, 2014

As the race for Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District grows closer, it has become increasingly clear to the Daily Iowan Editorial Board that one candidate stands above the other. The incumbent and Democratic...

Manfull: Continuing feminism’s legacy

ERIN MANFULL October 27, 2014

Growing up, I had constructed the idea that “being a feminist” was something a woman shouldn’t be. It was taboo, considering all feminists were bra-burning radicals who felt that they...

Beary: Should we take Germany’s approach to tuition?

HANNA BEARY October 27, 2014

College students pay an arm and a leg for education at a university level, but what are they really paying for? As Iowa’s lawmakers debate whether to raise the tuition for universities in Iowa, Germany...

Guest Opinion: Joni Ernst

GUEST OPINION October 27, 2014

My parents didn’t go to college, but they lived a middle-class life in southwestern Iowa, where they raised my brother, sister, and me. But by the time I graduated high school, the middle-class was...

Editorial: Demand a response on immigration reform

DI EDITORIAL BOARD October 24, 2014

Amid all of the political hustle and bustle during the election season, plans for immigration reform have fallen by the wayside. In one of the few areas that has received a general bipartisan consensus...

Graf: More options needed against smart phone theft

L.C. GRAF October 24, 2014

On a normal Friday evening in Iowa City, my phone was stolen out of my purse. My iPhone 6, lovingly named Sparkey, was only a week old. Its life was suddenly before me, picking out its case, fumbling...

Brown: What will become of smoking?

MARCUS BROWN October 24, 2014

If you’ve ever watched an episode of “Mad Men,” you’ve probably noticed the nostalgic depiction of cigarette smoking. Nearly every scene has the dapper Don Draper lighting a cigarette...

Prall: Thank God we’re not in Kansas anymore

JACOB PRALL October 24, 2014

Kansas’ latest disaster has been a twister by the name of Brownback. Ushering in sweeping economic changes based on conservative rhetoric, the state is facing massive deficits, layoffs, and cuts...