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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Editorial: Baltimore riots overshadow protest’s message


The city of Baltimore entered a state of emergency after violence broke out in the streets on Monday afternoon. The situation is so severe that 500 National Guard troops joined the Baltimore police, with...

Lane: Gay business owners, Ted Cruz, and open conversation

JOE LANE April 29, 2015

Last week, two gay hotel owners hosted a dinner with presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. Following the New York Times story about the dinner, a Facebook group was organized with the name “Boycott...

Guest Opinion: Why I Give To the University of Iowa

GUEST OPINION April 29, 2015

My parents met at the University of Iowa, just as my wife, Nancy, and I did — and they were the first people who taught me about the value of private philanthropy to the university.  When they reached...

Guest Opinion: PHIL’s Day and Why We Give

GUEST OPINION April 29, 2015

Giving is a surprisingly complex notion. Why we give is the subject of numerous Ph.D. dissertations in psychology and the social sciences. Certainly one reason we give is because it feels good. It is also...

Editorial: Clear strategy needed in Syria


As previously supported by The Daily Iowan Editorial Board, an authorization of force is needed to combat the forces of ISIS. The killings of innocent civilians and American hostages have since prompted...

Elliot: Demon sheep, mac & cheese

BEAU ELLIOT April 28, 2015

Burnt macaroni and cheese on Monday caused quite a stir in the Iowa Capitol. (Around here, we know it as the New Capitol to distinguish it from our Old Capitol, though why we do this, no one remembers;...

Guest Opinion: Gifts make the university great

GUEST OPINION April 28, 2015

Each year, thousands of University of Iowa alumni and friends give back to Iowa, and their donations help make our university great. As president and CEO of the UI Foundation, I have the privilege of...

Guest Opinion: Appreciating philanthropy

GUEST OPINION April 28, 2015

As little girls, my sister and I donated our earnings from our lemonade stands to causes we were passionate about. From a very young age, my family instilled in me the importance of giving back, helping...

Editorial: A historic moment for gay marriage


The Supreme Court appears to be ramping up toward declaring nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage that would coincide with a general shifting of public opinion in favor of such an action. Despite...

Cervantes: Sex sells, and we’re all buying


If there is one truth that I have seen when it comes to catching the eye of the consumer, it is that the use of sexual imagery is often the most powerful use of advertisement. I have seen this type of...

Guest Opinion: The mythos of philanthropy

GUEST OPINION April 27, 2015

In one of my favorite episodes of “The West Wing,” Sam Seaborn argues, “Education is the silver bullet. Education is everything.” In my college experience, I have found that statement...

Guest Opinion: Opportunity to say thank you

GUEST OPINION April 27, 2015

I came across the iconic phrase “It is better to give than to receive” sometime prior to my teen years. It was a catchy phrase so it stayed with me — though I did not fully understand or...