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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Protesters make handmade signs while Mike Roberts plays guitar during a guest lecture by Vince Everett Ellison at the IMU on Monday, Feb. 26, 2024. Ellison is a conservative speaker invited by YAF who opposes DEI and abortion. Roberts made a “bingo board” for protesters out of Everett’s talking points.

Photos: Vince Everett Ellison visits the University of Iowa

Ava Neumaier and Kathy Le February 27, 2024

Members of the University of Iowa’s chapter of Young Americans for Freedom hosted a lecture and Q&A with conservative speaker Vince Everett Ellison in the Iowa Memorial Union’s Main Lounge on Monday....

The Coralville Recreation Center is seen on Monday, Feb. 26, 2024.

Coralville begins plan to update 50-year-old rec center

Alejandro Rojas, News Editor February 26, 2024

After 50 years of use, the city of Coralville is making plans for a renovation and possible addition to its recreation center and indoor pool, to serve the community for another 50 years. The city is...

Bestselling author and Indianapolis resident John Green expresses his thoughts on libraries banning books as the Indianapolis Public Library kicked off national Banned Books Week with a discussion on Oct 2, 2023, at the Indianapolis Central Branch Public Library.

New York Times best-selling author John Green to visit UI

Grace Olson, News Reporter February 26, 2024

The University Lecture Committee invited New York Times best-selling author John Green to campus for a night. The UI will award Green the Distinguished Lecturer Award on April 18 in the Iowa Memorial...

MERGE Iowa City is seen on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2024. MERGE offers a space for networking and coworking in Iowa City.

Iowa City’s MERGE space provides entrepreneur resources, gathering space

Isabelle Foland, News Reporter February 25, 2024

MERGE, a community space with resources for businesses and entrepreneurs, will continue to be a resource for Iowa City residents after its lease was renewed by the city council on Feb. 20. The space...

Two firefighters hold a conversation at a fire near a river encampment behind Lucky Pawz on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023.

Most of Iowa at risk of fire on Monday

Jack Moore, Assistant News Editor February 25, 2024

Most of Iowa will be under a red flag warning Monday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. due to extreme fire danger. The National Weather Service issued the warning stating that a combination of weather conditions...

A Gyrfalcon poses for a picture at the Iowa Raptor Project on Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021.

Iowa Raptor Project reopens to public after fire kills four birds

Kathleen Zeivel, News Reporter February 22, 2024

After a fire at the Iowa Raptor Project killed four birds last week, the Solon wildlife site has reopened to the public. A raptor enclosure caught fire on Feb. 16, killing the birds Cal, age 3,...

State Board of Regents members lead a meeting in Iowa City on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.

UI requests regent approval for new parking ramp, Stead Family Children’s Hospital improvements

Shreya Reddy, News Reporter February 22, 2024

The University of Iowa is requesting permission approval for five capital improvements at the Iowa Board of Regents meeting on Wednesday. The total projected cost for the projects is estimated to...

Barry Schreier, director of University Counseling Service, sits inside his office at Westlawn on Wednesday, July 5, 2017. Shreier obtained the directorial position two years ago following a move from Princeton, NJ. UCS will be moving to the Old Capitol Mall on (insert date), allowing for ease of access for students who live on the East side of campus. (Ben Smith/The Daily Iowan)

UI Scanlan Center conducts mental health and well-being study

Sanya Sami, News Reporter February 21, 2024

A University of Iowa study recently found that faculty and staff at seven community colleges in Iowa perceive students as “being satisfied” with their mental health and well-being at best and feeling...

The Iowa City Community School District sign in Iowa City is seen on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022.

Iowa City schools to transition from junior high to middle school model

Grace Olson, News Reporter February 21, 2024

The Iowa City Community School District is transitioning its junior high model to a middle school model by adding sixth graders to South East, Northwest, and North Central schools for the 2024-25 school...

College of Public Health is seen in Iowa City on Monday, Aug. 30, 2021.

Iowa again ranks second for highest, fastest-growing number of cancer cases in US

Alejandro Rojas, News Editor February 20, 2024

Iowa continues to have the second-highest and fastest-growing number of cancer cases in the U.S., the Iowa Cancer Registry reported Tuesday. The Cancer in Iowa report notes that Iowa has the fourth-highest...

Mazahir Salih interacts at her watch party at fix! Coffee on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. Salih was reelected to her seat on the city council after receiving the highest number of votes.

IC Councilor Mazahir Salih advocates for more funding, outreach to immigrant community

Isabelle Foland, News Reporter February 20, 2024

Iowa City Mayor Pro Tem and City Councilor Mazahir Salih expressed concerns over the city’s relationship with its immigrant community and the grant funding opportunities they may be missing out...

Mayor Bruce Teague addresses the council during a Iowa City City Council meeting at the City Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024.

Johnson County rolls out county-wide free home energy audit program

Isabelle Foland, News Reporter February 20, 2024

Johnson County residents who live in rural areas will now have access to free home energy audits to save money on their bills and encourage energy sustainability. The program that started...