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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

School Board votes to stop Regina busing

REGINA ZILBERMINTS December 11, 2009

The scraping of chair legs and rustling of coats filled the room as parents sprung to their feet Thursday evening. They weren’t happy. The Iowa City School Board had just voted to cut off busing to...

Spotlight Iowa City: Sorority mom is 80 years old

TOMMY MORGAN JR. December 11, 2009

When Iowa City resident Jeanne Beckman graduated from the University of South Dakota, she did it with a degree not heard of anymore: home economics. Studying cooking, textiles, and the economics of running...

Forums on chem report today

DI STAFF December 11, 2009

A UI task force that found some practices in the Chemistry Building were unsafe and could have contributed to several occupants’ illnesses will hold two forums today to discuss its findings and recommendations. The...

Fan cans stick around

CHRIS CURTLAND December 10, 2009

Football game days are gone, but black and yellow “fan cans” are still popping up around Iowa City. UI President Sally Mason — along with several other university presidents — sent a letter to...

City High eyes adding more advanced classes

HOLLY HINES December 10, 2009

When it comes to Advanced Placement and Honors classes at City High School, Tareq Abuissa is an expert. Abuissa, a senior who recently applied to Yale University, has taken five advanced classes and at...

Spotlight Iowa City: DI’s Frazier wins award

COURTNEY SPEARS December 10, 2009

Danny Wilcox Frazier was stuck in traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge when he got the phone call. Not many miles into his trip from New York City to Washington, D.C., the photographer was elated to find out...

Regents to decide on surcharge today

DI STAFF December 10, 2009

The state Board of Regents will hold a meeting by telephone conference today, its last of the year. The regents delayed making a decision on the potential $100 fee for students at their Oct. 29 meeting....

Career Center offers more job-hunt aid

DI STAFF December 10, 2009

Officials from the Pomerantz Career Center have expanded their services to aid graduating UI seniors. The center will hold a “Job Search Strategies for a Tough Economy” workshop on Friday, geared...

Students sling snow in massive Pentacrest fight

LAUREN MILLS December 10, 2009

Chaotic. That is how many UI students described the snowball fight on the Pentacrest on Wednesday evening. They lobbed snowballs into the night sky. Puffs of white went up from heads and jackets as the...

Commentary: First blizzard leaves me winded

MARLEEN LINARES December 10, 2009

The winter and I do not get along. I made the decision to attend the UI after visiting campus twice: once just before winter set in and once right after it had ended. Unlike right now, the campus was...

More police on the way

NICOLE KARLIS December 10, 2009

The Iowa City police may soon welcome six new members to the team, including one specifically designated to work with teens. The Iowa City City Council turned talk of the potential hirings into a reality...

UI names new ombudsperson

JOHN DOETKOTT December 10, 2009

Susan Johnson will have a new job next year. Starting Jan. 1, Johnson will take over as a UI ombudsperson, helping students, staff, and faculty work through difficult problems. Appointed by UI President...