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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

IMU set for finals

KATHRYN STINSON December 14, 2009

UI students preparing for exams this week can find some relief in the grueling effort to stay awake all night to snag that final A. The UI is providing its traditional study essentials on campus such...

Students volunteer as first responders

EMILY BUSSE December 14, 2009

Chris Couch remembers the screaming. And the blood. It was the weekend of July 4, and Couch, a UI medical student, was traveling with his younger sister and her friend along a highway in upper Michigan...

Officials see no more cuts

JORDAN FRIES December 14, 2009

The Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference concluded its Dec. 11 meeting with a rare announcement of hopeful news. Despite a further decrease in state revenue — roughly $37 million less than officials estimated...

Spotlight Iowa City: After senior graduates, Tanzania calls

MARLEEN LINARES December 14, 2009

Lisa Enloe vividly recalls when her 8-year-old daughter sat down across from her at the dinner table and announced she was going to “get rich” when she grew up and then move to Africa and help people...

Nonprofits to receive $100,000-plus

DI STAFF December 14, 2009

The Johnson County Community Foundation is set to award more than $100,000 in grants to 47 area nonprofit organizations at a luncheon on Jan. 8. More nonprofits applied for larger grants this year than...

H1N1 vaccine available for all Iowans

DI STAFF December 14, 2009

The Iowa Department of Public Health announced that, beginning today, all Iowans will be eligible to receive the H1N1 flu vaccination. Another wave of the illness is expected in January and February. Previously,...

Frosh alcohol education class not seen soon

JORDAN FRIES December 11, 2009

Discovering new ways to educate students on alcohol safety has been classified as a “public-health issue affecting the entire community” by UI Provost Wallace Loh. But the university must overcome...

Parking tickets fall as fast as snow

MARLEEN LINARES December 11, 2009

When UI junior Amanda Seaquist went to get her car Thursday morning, she had a surprise waiting for her: an empty parking spot. “There were no other cars on the street, so I figured my car got towed,”...

Court case to affect UI group

REGINA ZILBERMINTS December 11, 2009

The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether a religious student group, which has a chapter at the UI, will be forced to change its constitution banning gays and lesbians as officers and voting members or...

Several UI publications going online only

MITCHELL SCHMIDT December 11, 2009

Some UI departments will no longer print their college publications, opting in favor of online versions that provide more opportunities. “There are things we can do online that we can’t in print,”...

School Board votes to stop Regina busing

REGINA ZILBERMINTS December 11, 2009

The scraping of chair legs and rustling of coats filled the room as parents sprung to their feet Thursday evening. They weren’t happy. The Iowa City School Board had just voted to cut off busing to...

Spotlight Iowa City: Sorority mom is 80 years old

TOMMY MORGAN JR. December 11, 2009

When Iowa City resident Jeanne Beckman graduated from the University of South Dakota, she did it with a degree not heard of anymore: home economics. Studying cooking, textiles, and the economics of running...