The Iowa City Community School District faced yet another threat to its safety, as the school was made aware of a potentially threatening message circulating on social media aimed at Iowa City City...
After several tornadoes swept through Iowa on March 31, Johnson County has been quick to mobilize and respond to the damage.
The storms caused heavy damage in parts of Solon, Hills, and Coralville and...
The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business opened its virtual twin to the UI’s campus in the metaverse on Thursday.
The virtual copy of the UI’s campus will be used for research on virtual...
City’s Climate Action and Outreach division is funding more projects allowing community members to make sustainable renovations to their homes and workplaces at lower costs since launching its Energy...
Iowa City City Council approved its fiscal 2024 budget during Tuesday night's meeting, which the county auditor will certify on April 30.The budget passed with a vote of 6-1, with Councilor Laura...
Following tense public and council discussion, Iowa City City Councilor Laura Bergus’ proposed amendment to the city’s police department budget did not pass at the city council meeting Tuesday...
The City of Iowa City city manager will decide by April 18 whether or not to opt into a multi-billion national settlement that would give Iowa City up to $2.95 million, Johnson County staff told the...
Nearly 15 years after the 2008 flood, the City of Iowa City has made significant progress in flood mitigation efforts.
The city has changed city codes, made infrastructural improvements, and...
Officials from the University of Iowa’s Museum of Natural History are trying to raise $1 million to pay for the restoration of an exhibit in the Hall of Birds after over 100 years of operation.
New year-round business options are coming to Iowa City’s South Side.
The South District Market opened its doors March 28, celebrating the opening of a new retail space in Pepperwood Plaza.
The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration awarded three University of Iowa professors a $500,000 grant to create mental health training for K-12 students and staff in Iowa...
A University of Iowa research lab in Coralville used by the College of Engineering was destroyed by the March 31 storm that caused damage across the city, the university announced Tuesday.Â