Elizabeth Buchanan, Rokt’s CCO, discusses the importance of a robust mental health and wellness program in every industry.
In today’s 21st-century business landscape, employees in numerous industries must navigate rapidly changing priorities and challenges. Common workplace issues are often accompanied by economic uncertainties and personal concerns. Not surprisingly, this host of stressors can bring mental and emotional health issues to the forefront.
Fortunately, forward-thinking companies are stepping up to support their team members. Although each firm’s offerings differ, multiple mental health and well-being resources are increasingly available. At ecommerce technology leader Rokt, Chief Commercial Officer (or CCO) Elizabeth Buchanan enthusiastically supports the firm’s innovative approach and employee health and well-being.
5 Benefits of Employees’ Good Mental and Emotional Health
Operations-focused advancements typically help improve a company’s efficiency and bottom line. Installation of energy-efficient equipment or targeted integration of AI tools are good examples. In contrast, wellness-focused innovations tend to result in additional company expenditures. That said, Rokt CCO Elizabeth Buchanan emphasizes that improving employees’ mental and emotional health brings five valuable benefits.
Improved Employee Morale
Employee burnout is a wide-ranging problem. Although some occupations inherently have higher stress and burnout risks, every employee can experience burnout under certain conditions. That said, team members with mental health and wellness support have reduced burnout risks.
Not surprisingly, employees who feel appreciated and valued also tend to demonstrate higher morale. These team members are often more receptive to skills development and embrace collaborative and creative projects.
Enhanced Employee Productivity
Companies that provide mental and emotional health services are taking major steps toward employees’ well-being. As team members continue to receive the services’ benefits, they are better able to focus on their job responsibilities. They may also bring more energy and enthusiasm to their work.
Taken together, these benefits promote higher employee efficiency and productivity. Over time, this can certainly benefit the company’s competitive position and financial health.
Reduced Employee Absenteeism
Some employees are physically healthy, but they possess substandard mental health. Therefore, these team members miss 68 percent more workdays annually compared to physically and mentally robust employees.
Supporting team members’ mental and emotional health will likely set the stage for lower absenteeism rates in the longer term. When fewer employees miss work, the overall workforce becomes more stable. A stable workforce is a key driver of company growth.
Increased Employee Retention
In today’s competitive hiring environment, professionals often value employee well-being programs more than financial compensation. For perspective, a stressful workplace can spur many team members to begin searching for greener pastures.
To avoid these disruptions, employers should prioritize employee well-being. By offering an engaging work setting that promotes good mental health, employees are more likely to remain on board.
Brand Advocacy and Recruitment
When companies actively support employees’ well-being, those team members may become enthusiastic brand advocates. The business may also garner interest from top-tier candidates who seek to work in an uplifting setting that promotes professional growth.
Gen Z Employees’ Focus on Mental and Emotional Well-Being
Although Gen Zers represent the youngest workforce demographic, they are accustomed to facing diverse mental health challenges. To illustrate, the COVID-19 pandemic’s mandatory isolation took a high emotional toll on extremely social Gen Zers. Today, they consider their mental health to be worse than that of any other generation.
On the flip side, however, Gen Zers understand the link between good mental health and workplace creativity and productivity. They are generally aware of the support they need, and they frequently expect employers to provide those mental health services. Rokt CCO Elizabeth Buchanan says Gen Zers often name three key areas of focus.
Burnout Prevention
Many Gen Z undergraduates (and recent graduates) are concerned about job burnout. Seeing its effects on older colleagues and family members, Gen Zers are determined to find ways to avoid this harmful phenomenon.
Well-Being Advocacy
Gen Z employees regard mental health, well-being, and work-life balance as “non-negotiable.” In fact, they consider a mentally and emotionally healthy workplace a prerequisite for job excellence and professional growth.
Mental Health Services Expectations
Not surprisingly, Gen Z team members expect their employer to offer robust mental health coverage. Ideally, work-life balance resources are part of this package. Job-seeking Gen Zers often consider a potential employer’s mental health services package when evaluating career opportunities.
Employers’ Increasing Embrace of Mental Health Services
In 2024, United States companies increasingly include mental health services in employee benefits packages. In March 2023, a Society of Human Resource Management (or SHRM) report noted that almost 78 percent of businesses offered (or planned to add) mental health services within a year.
Although Employee Assistance Programs have existed for decades, companies have recently begun adding a more well-rounded slate of services. Examples include self-help training via digitally accessed media, coaching, and resource services, and improved mental health therapy access. Specialized providers’ services may also be included.
Interestingly, employers’ mental health services offerings and employees’ resources preferences don’t always coincide. To illustrate, employers typically offer free person-to-person and virtual counseling appointments. However, employees would rather have meditation app subscriptions and mental health days. Surveying employees before new resource additions could result in better service utilization.
Finally, employees say companies should take a preventive approach to mental health concerns. To illustrate, employees are asking for revamped work protocols that could lessen burnout risks. Many currently available mental health services focus on treating existing burnout and other mental health concerns.
Rokt CCO Elizabeth Buchanan Supports the Company’s Mental and Emotional Health Initiatives
Rokt, a New York City-based ecommerce technology leader, continues to offer employees a full slate of mental health services. Rokt CCO Elizabeth Buchanan notes that each of the firm’s 800 global team members can benefit from Rokt’s innovative “Level Up” Program. Each year, every Rokt employee (or Rokt’star) receives a budget designed to promote personal growth and career progression.
Rokt’s Employee Mental Health Services
Every Rokt’star also has free (and confidential) access to Modern Health’s wellness platform. Numerous well-being and mental health resources include multiple personalized sessions with licensed clinical therapists and certified mental health professionals. Rokt’stars also enjoy unlimited access to group support gatherings (or Circles). Finally, self-driven digital courses and guided meditations round out Rokt’s mental health services suite.
Rokt’s Elizabeth Buchanan Prioritizes Employees’ Mental Health
As an ecommerce technology innovator, Rokt is fortunate to have a talented workforce that delivers excellence on every front. By providing these Rokt’stars with continued mental health support, Elizabeth Buchanan is confident the firm will continue its game-changing global growth trajectory.