Regent universities’ four-year student graduation rates rise, undergraduate retention falls

The fall 2022 graduation and retention report revealed regent institution retention rates are down, but four-year graduation rates are up from the previous year.

Emily Nyberg

The Old Capitol dome is seen on Monday Feb. 20, 2023.

Archie Wagner, News Reporter

The University of Iowa retained most students in the class of 2025 since their classes started in 2021.

Overall, Iowa’s public institutions reported a slight 1 percent decrease, in undergraduate student retention, but the percentage of students graduating in four years is up 2 percent since last year.

For the past two years, the retention rate at the state Board of Regents institutions slightly rose to 86 percent for undergraduates returning for a second year across the universities, the regents’ fall 2022 graduation and retention report revealed.

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At the UI, retention improved by 1 percent, retaining 89 percent of the 2021 entry cohort.

The report highlighted the regent universities’ 1-2 percent improvement in students graduating within four years. The UI’s four-year graduation rate increased to 58 percent, a 1 percent increase from the entering class of 2017’s 57 percent four-year graduation rate.

The university’s 2022 first to second-year retention rate is 88.6 percent, an increase from 2021’s 88 percent.

The six-year graduation rate for the class of 2022 at the UI stayed consistent with the previous year’s rate at a steady 73.7 percent.