David Young and Cindy Axne vie for 3rd District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives

David Young, the Republican candidate for Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District has received three campaign visits from President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in a competitive race against Cindy Axne, a Democrat.

U.S. House Office of Photography

Republican David Young (left) is running against Democrat Cindy Axne (right) to keep his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives for Iowa’s 3rd District.

David Young (R) – Incumbent

Age: 50  

Hometown: Van Meter, Iowa

Education: Drake University, B.A.


Education: Young sponsored a bill in 2018 to allow the FFA to self-govern. In a 2015 newsletter, Young wrote he did not support Common Core standards and believes education decisions should rest with local school districts. 

Health Care: Young supports replacing the Affordable Care Act with “market-based solutions.” Young also hopes to eliminate pre-existing condition limitations and allow younger people to remain on their parents’ plan.

Jobs/Economy: Young voted in favor of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and hopes to spur job creation through cuts and reform to the current tax code.

Environment/Agriculture: Young hopes to expand trade markets and has urged President Trump to reach a deal with China. He supports a renewable-fuel tax credit.

Immigration: Young supports strengthening border security, and ending the visa lottery program and chain-migration. He hopes to provide DACA recipients with legal status and mandate E-Verify for employers.

Cindy Axne (D)

Age: 53  

Hometown: Des Moines

Education: University of Iowa


Education: Axne hopes to expand Pell Grants and cap the interest rate on student loans.

Health Care: Maintaining and improving the Affordable Care Act is a priority for Axne. She also aims to make sure that people cannot be discriminated against for having a pre-existing condition.

Jobs/Economy: Axne supports raising wages, addressing trade deals, and protecting unions.

Environment/Agriculture: Having supervised on the Governor’s Agenda on Clean Energy Iowa, Axne hopes to increase environmental research and development in a congressional role.

Immigration: Axne supports passing the DREAM Act and other measures to provide pathways to citizenship for immigrants. She also supports strengthening border security and addressing crime.

Iowa Secretary of State’s Office
Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District is in the southwestern part of the state and contains Des Moines.