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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Snow emergencies illustrate need for new city parking policy

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 16, 2010

Snow emergencies in Iowa City provide a chance for UI students to cross their fingers, yearning for a snow day and a class-less day. But this year, the thought of heavy snow is more an umbrage than ever. The...

Igloos and some hoax

BEAU ELLIOT February 16, 2010

So, Washington, D.C., the Mid-Atlantic states, and the South get hit by a blizzard or two, and suddenly global climate change is a hoax. Right? Well, that’s what the political right wing seems to think....

Guest: DI columnist misguided in pro-choice criticism


In his Feb. 10 column, “Pro-choice missteps,” Justin Sugg not only painted all pro-choice individuals with a broad brush, but he apparently also refused to read any of the criticisms of the Focus on...

Should the City Council re-examine the urban-chicken issue?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF February 15, 2010

YES Urban chickens in Iowa City are not a priority for the City Council, but that doesn’t mean discussion shouldn’t continue. The council spent a good portion of last year debating the merits of...

The rise of young conservatives?

SIMEON TALLEY February 15, 2010

Across the country there is a pervasive sense of frustration with government, coupled with anxiety and uncertainty about the future. A recent CBS News poll found that 62 percent of Americans think that...

Guest: The road to health-care serfdom


I sensed a bit of frustration during President Obama’s State of the Union address last month when he said, “The longer it [the health-care overhaul] was debated, the more skeptical people became.”...

UI officials have acted poorly in Bijou porn controversy

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 12, 2010

Apparently, UI officials are now in the censorship business. At least that’s the contemptuous message they’re sending with the Bijou porn-movie situation. Earlier this week, students in charge of...

Ladies are watching, too

SAMANTHA MILLER February 12, 2010

Annually, the Super Bowl rakes in more viewers than any other television program. In fact, Super Bowl XLIV had the highest viewership in television history. According to Nielsen Co., 106.5 million people...

Guest: Let’s create jobs — not raise taxes — to grow economy

BRAD ZAUN - GUEST OPINION February 12, 2010

Late last summer, we were all treated to the media blockbuster regarding Iowa’s film tax-credit program and the soap-opera antics concerning millions of tax dollars going to buy questionable purchases...

Should the state grant in-state tuition to illegal immigrants who live in Iowa?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF February 11, 2010

YES Ah, illegal immigration. Next to gay marriage and abortion, the issue is guaranteed to incite some of the most visceral, impassioned debates in the political arena. Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad, D-Des Moines,...

Guest: City should bring back debate on urban chickens


In late 2009, several Iowa City residents presented a petition to the City Council with approximately 700 signatures requesting a review of the city ban on chickens in city limits. After selecting a new...

City’s alcohol game-prize ordinance is ridiculous

DI EDITORIAL BOARD February 10, 2010

Seven years have come and gone since an Iowa City ordinance banned games and contests involving drinking or winning alcohol. While the prohibition has never led to a citation, that could soon change. Assistant...