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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Guest: GOP’s focus on ‘values’ digs its own grave


For years, the Republican Party was the party of morals and fiscal responsibility, themes that rang true with many Americans. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush both promised to shrink the federal government...

The comprehensive solutions to solving the drinking problem

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 7, 2009

The anecdotes and numbers are stunning. Hysterical, disoriented students, their senses saturated and overwhelmed by alcohol. Skyrocketing ambulance calls to downtown Iowa City. Sharp increases in blood-alcohol...

The entrepreneurial spirit

JUSTIN SUGG December 7, 2009

I like to take I-235 instead of the 80-35 bypass when visiting my friends in West Des Moines. The bypass would be quicker, but taking I-235 through Des Moines allows me to view the downtown skyline. There...

City councilors should leave the bars alone


In regards to the editorial in the Nov. 30 Daily Iowan, I don’t think the average UI student or even the editorial writer grasps that the bars exist as businesses and not as a right for students. Bars...

Remain steadfast in commitment to research: reject potential cuts

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 4, 2009

The UI’s established identity as a top research institution is at stake. The state Board of Regents has asked the university to examine if cuts to research awards, which are called Professional Development...

The misogyny of magazines

SAMANTHA MILLER December 4, 2009

“Cosmopolitan is the lifestylist for millions of fun, fearless females who want to be the best they can be in every area of their lives.” So the titular magazine explains on its website. Given this...

The end of the public university as we know it?


As winter approaches and budget cuts are implemented, it all seems so calm around the Iowa City campus. The panhandlers are at work. Too much alcohol is being consumed. Football fever is in the air. The...

Council should reject curfew in favor of juvenile officer

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 3, 2009

The proposed curfew facing the Iowa City City Council is too broad, and it will punish young people who do not deserve it. Instead of the misguided curfew, the council should opt to hire an officer specifically...

Guest: Negative report against chem department erroneous


The recent report on the health situation in the chemistry building (Daily Iowan, Nov. 19</a>) was negligent in its failure to assess the response of those in the chemistry department who are afflicted...

To ensure dorm safety, UI should mandate RA IDs

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 2, 2009

This is one list of universities the UI shouldn’t want to be associated with. Unlike at other peer institutions, the school’s resident assistants aren’t required to carry identifying credentials,...

The Obama paradox

SHAWN GUDE December 2, 2009

Barack Obama is a sign of young peoples’ political apathy. At first glance, that statement appears laughable. How could a figure who attracted two-thirds of 18- to 29-year-old voters be synonymous with...

UI professor: Will the current health-care crisis continue?

SAMUEL LEVEY December 2, 2009

History has made it abundantly clear that our flawed health system will not change through voluntary private-sector initiatives. Many books, articles, and films have focused on the crisis in health care...