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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Many downsides of IC-Chicago passenger rail route

GUEST OPINION December 16, 2010

The beloved children's story "The little engine that could" is a tale of perseverance and spunk, used to teach children that if they keep trying, they will eventually succeed. As adults, we know...

UI’s paid administrative leave policy for faculty commendable

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 15, 2010

Accusation of criminal wrongdoing, whatever its nature, doesn't mean one is guilty. And it shouldn't mean one should lose her or his job because of the stigmatization that often accompanies such charges. Four...

Our static lives

ZACH WAHLS December 15, 2010

Sunday evening, while strolling through my Facebook newsfeed in an attempt to briefly escape the looming battery of finals, I encountered an interesting piece titled "The Organization Kid" my...

Laboratory funding shouldn’t distract from vital mental health services

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 14, 2010

Research doesn't mean relief for the millions of Americans suffering from mental illness. Scientific discovery, though valuable, translates only roughly into enhanced services, which are more important...

Arugula & sausage

BEAU ELLIOT December 14, 2010

Governing, as we all should have discovered by now, is not nice, fresh, organic arugula — as great as nice, fresh, organic arugula is. Remember that extraordinary pop of pepper you get at that first...

UI alcohol-reduction plan proactive, based on research


I appreciate this opportunity to reframe The Daily Iowan Editorial Board's view that the Alcohol Harm Reduction plan is "naïve." I see it as positive, proactive, and based in sound research...

Point/counterpoint: Should home liquor delivery be legal?

DI EDITORIAL STAFF December 13, 2010

YES It certainly seems like an unrealistic, foolish plan that would go horribly wrong. But liquor isn't the only thing delivered to residences, allowing me to reluctantly endorse the service — as long...

The illusion of racial equality

SIMEON TALLEY December 13, 2010

In our post-racial America, it is no longer socially permissible to use race as the justification for discrimination or exclusion. Racism, while still a problem, is generally more institutional and subtle...

Iowa congressional delegation should oppose Obama’s tax cut deal

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 10, 2010

Any UI student will tell you procrastination is never a good option. Congress is learning that message the hard way, because the Bush-era tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this year. President...

Anti-Obama backlash?

SHAWN GUDE December 10, 2010

Take a peek at the raw numbers, and it's clear the left's supposed "enthusiasm gap" is a canard; disillusioned liberals haven't abandoned Obama en masse, much as his policies might warrant such...

Wanted: a party that works for ‘We, the People’

GUEST OPINION December 10, 2010

Most of us agree that things aren't right in our world and that change is desperately needed. What's lacking is the political party willing and able to stand up to the power elite. In both Iowa and Washington,...

UI’s new alcohol plan well intentioned, but a bit naive

DI EDITORIAL BOARD December 9, 2010

At first glance, the University of Iowa’s new Alcohol Harm Reduction Plan seemed absurd. We were especially concerned with the preliminary suggestion that prospective students divulge past problems with...