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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

March 30, 2016

Expand wind power, protect birds Continuing to expand wind power is one of the best ways to protect birds, despite the claims made in a March 23 article. Scientists agree that climate change is...

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

March 29, 2016

BLOC Party senators not up for grabs It is UISG election season, and there is a big decision to make today because the candidates in this race could not be more different from one another. Our names...

Letter to the editor

Letter to the editor

March 24, 2016

Heiden ready to serve I support Pat Heiden for Johnson County supervisor. I have known and worked with Pat for more than 20 years. Pat has the personality, the dedication to community service, and...

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

March 23, 2016

RE: ‘Racist allegories in Disney films’ Keith Reed, You can’t be serious. Are you attempting to find work at the Onion? I don’t know your work other than this one article, but I hope you...

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

March 20, 2016

Changing purple states to blue The Bible is a book of human behavior.  It’s the answer to making intransigent Republican senators “do their job,” of giving Judge Merrick Garland a fair hearing.  My...

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

March 8, 2016

Don’t let politics dirty Iowa’s air Growing up in Iowa, some of my fondest memories are of being outside enjoying clear skies and fresh air. I’m proud of where I’m from, especially now that...

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

March 4, 2016

A plausible conversation from the Iowa House of Representatives   “Madam Speaker Upmeyer: May the emeritus House District 60 representative have the floor?” “The emeritus representative...

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

February 26, 2016

Blocking GOP intransigence Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley have promised that President Obama will not be allowed his constitutional duty to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin...

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

February 24, 2016

Time for Grassley to go Sen. Chuck Grassley has been part of Iowa’s congressional delegation since 1975. Over the course of his career, he’s done a lot of work for Iowans. I think it’s great that...

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

February 22, 2016

UI Symphony and IMU Congratulations to the UI Symphony for an outstanding performance on Feb. 17. I’m not a bona fide music critic so I won’t get in over my head. But I know and love Brahms’ First...

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

February 19, 2016

Grassley’s obstruction of the Supreme Court I agree with the Feb. 16 Des Moines Register editorial “Grassley’s Supreme Court stance is all about politics.” Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the...

By the people, for the people 

By the people, for the people 

February 17, 2016

By the people, for the people The fly in the ointment of our republican form of government is a Republican-controlled Congress that thwarts government of the people, by the people, and for the people...